September Hatch-A-Long


This is the egg with the pip at the wrong end. I can't tell it he made through the liner. (Not sure what it's called)
I am not an experienced thatcher so I cant tell you what to do. What I would do is peel back the egg see if he poked through the membrane, and if so make sure his beak is out through the hole. Hopefully someone with more experience can tell you what to do.
Redhen, sounds like your local AgWay may be your savior. A feathered purchase will assuage a lot of guilt about raising a lonely chick!

Kada, if it's pipped at the wrong end and you're hatching in an egg carton, by all means take it out and lay it on its side in the bator. Perhaps peel the shell away from the membrane at the pip site (do not pierce membrane or there will be blood) to enable breathing? Keep the humidity up. There's a good site on BYC by Sally Sunshine about when to assist's in under the Incubating & Hatching Eggs section.

Dealing with some interesting issues here. Bought some eggs on eBay that are supposedly (English) Cream Legbars and two chicks hatched out of the rather small/medium greenish eggs (advertised as they lay large blue) with neither the telltale head spots for males or the chipmunking for females of Legbars. One's yellow/grey and one's kind of orangey...more like sex-links than auto-sex. I'm pretty sure the yellow one is a boy, but no idea what the other one is. Surprise, surprise, when I queried the eBay Seller, she suddenly stopped answering my emails. Sigh..... Yet another wait-and-see to add to the collection.

(Mystery chick)
My chick final pipped the membrane and stuck it's little neck out.:yesss:

I now have a total for 7 eggs that have pipped. Just waiting on the other twelve to pip. My husband thought I was crazy when all this started but now he can't stop looking in the incubator either. :lol:
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I got a baby chick!!! I got a baby chick!!:weee
As soon as I got home from work it hatched. Then I had another one just hatched. Having problems uploading pics. Can't wait for them all to hatch!!
Lock down has started for the 2 Silkie eggs that made it! Working on getting the humidity up, have two paper towels in there that are wet, So we should have good humidity once it settles! This is excitin! Now to sit on my hands until the babies come out! Good thing I have a 8 day old chick to keep my occupied ;)
Well I now know for sure that Both chicks are alive. I wasn't too sure about the darker silkie egg. But looks like either both have internally piped or are gettign ready to. I see movement in air cell, shadow but doesn't look like a beak yet. was adding water and figured i'd check he air cell one last time since today is day 18 wouldn't do any harm. I am now leaving the chicks alone until day 24 if they don't hatch.
September hatching complete with 4 EEs, 6 Brahmas, 2, SLW, 1 chick I am really confused about....and 12 eggs in lock down, which will be in Oct. :)

Lennie and Squiggie, 1 day old SLW - Photo taken 2 days ago.
Seller of the egg that produced the Mystery Chick seems to think it's a she. I'm a tad skeptical, though, as it's not like any Legbar I've ever seen.

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