September Monthly Swap . . . . Sign-up NOW - Open til Monday.


Aw, I am sorry about your babies! I was your swap partner, was so hoping you would have some babies grow up .
Aw, I am sorry about your babies! I was your swap partner, was so hoping you would have some babies grow up .

what color are your silkies? It is a white-ish colored baby with some darker dusting on its posterior and underside
My eggs are going on lockdown tonight! I have 6/7 from the swap that look good(actually 8/9, but the other 2 are 28-day incubation so they won't be hatching until next weekend), and 7/8 from my own that look good! Anyone else getting close?
I put 2 from Georgia into lockdown because they were too dark for me to candle but one for sure was clear. The other may be a quitter but I still left it. My eggs from La go into lock down tomorrow or Saturday. It looks like 3 are going to make it. My eggs from NY have 2 good bantam cochins and most of the green (olive eggers) and dark brown look good. These still have a little more time to go.

I wanted to post that I did get my eggs in the mail finally. So Thank you to who sent them

4 of them did not make the trip
I think 2 are Maran eggs cause they are dark, but have no clue about the other 3.
Well I suppose that it COULD be white LOL. I was figuring the dusting of different color could mean it was mixed... I was hoping anyway LOL But I dont mind what color it is as long as it makes it. Seems to be doing okay so far, I lost another of Nats lav splits...
so only one left. Praying he makes it. I also lost two of my bo chicks and a white EE.... not having a good fall this year, the weather dipped down to 37 last night... it is rough on the babies outside with their mommy.

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