My advice... Get rid of them immediately to someone like me...

Thanks! I'm in love with the color, and not many people around here have them or even know what they are. They know big chickens are layers and bantams are all bantys if their small their bantys and thats that ..LOL They are alot more friendly than most I've had, I'm sure someone would like them as pets
Hang on, Im taking notes on all the birds and have to make my DH a sammy...
He stole my keys and took them to work by accident, and Im stuck at home with no car! Had to skip school today...
......but got my internet back up
after 2 hrs on the phone with AT&T.....

but Im getting my keys back on his lunch break,
and will need to feed him. Be right back!!
They are still alittle young to judge. Legs alittle long, wings not yet vertical and long in the back. Believe me they will get better after their first moult.
I agree that it takes a bit for them to mature, pullets longer in my opinion. None of these birds are showing very much type at this age. Maybe they are not that great (and never will be) or maybe they need time to mature. The hackles will grow to cover that long back and make them look better, but they will still have that gene and pass it on.
I suggest if you have the space, let them mature and see what you get. Keep good records with weights as they develop and pictures of what they were as youngsters and how they matured. I would look to see the faults in what I had and then would try to find a bird to breed that was exceptional in those areas.
If you dont have any luck, I suggest getting started birds or adult breeders (and hopefully the parents) so that you can see what you get and what they came from for a better idea of what they will produce. goes:

Roo #1--Ok tail set, looks vertical, breast too low/neck too long, nice even comb, looks like he might have decent wing/leg length??

Roo #2 (Biggest) -His legs look too long/wings too short, doesn't seem to be very vertical, but has the best chest (higher and rounder)

Roo#3-(The one from page one) In the first pictures, he has some feathers sticking out of the front of his wing..thought that was weird, wouldnt want that to pass on if they get like that off and his color...his breast is ok, not great, looks like he has long legs too...

Roo#4 -Wings look way too short, breast too low, back long

Roo#5- Same as above

Pullet-Same as above

I hate to say it, but none of these look very promising. I dont want to be a downer!!
Are they related? They all seem to have long backs and legs......
Hang on to them and we can see what happens as they mature.
That was pretty much my thoughts as well. The only roo I see that might have hope is the #3. The feathers in the first picture was my fault he got loose in the house and in the hurry of catching him and tryin to get a pic made before he made a mess everwhere I had him looking all messed up..LOL (it was actually a pretty funny sight me tryin to get those pics taken) And actually he has really short legs in person. The only way Icould get them too look decent was to make some kinda noise and they all perked up all tippy toed LOL I've noticed in the past week he's starting to look a lil better. I'll hang on to them all out of curiosity but I dont see them turning out that great. I'll get some pic's of my younger ones and post them as well.

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