Serama Bantam My first house chicken

I do have a few of them in individual pictures on the serama thread, but here are a couple of group shots.

15 day olds- I'm pretty sure the little brown one is going to be a cockerel, arrghh.

6 week olds

I have two cockerels from the 6 week olds available as well as three of the young ones will also be available when they are a bit more feathered out. (gender unknown)

Wow... yes.. I think that he will be a boy.. But that's good!!!! My little boy has the most out going personality of all... Were those hatches from your flock, or did you order eggs?

These are all from my own stock. I currently have two different pens that way I have non related chicks to work with for the future. I am also keeping my eye on those that may end up show quality as we have started showing some of them. Took a few to a show this past weekend and did well.
I also recently aquired a solid black pair, if only she would give me some eggs already!!

P.S. - Boys are good but really don't need any more, have several that need new homes as it is.
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They are adorable, how fun! Do you put a little roost in their pen? I have 2 bantam pullets, age 8mths and they don't seem to want to roost. I got them from a breeder, maybe there not used to roosting?
No, I don't use any thing at this age, they still seem to want to bundle upas a group most of the time. They will however get introduced to one when they are big enough to go into a grow out hutch that my DH makes. I love these things, they work great for jouvi grow out pens and nice for breeding pairs too!

My husband makes them, we have had people customize them for rabbits, bantam chickens and even quail. As far as introducing them to a roost, it really depends on when I feel they are ready to come out of the brooder. Some feather in slower than others or may grow slower so I really don't base it on age as it varies. Some will show signs of wanting to fly out of the brooder to perch on the corner of it. For example, right now I have one that is three months old and still in the brooder with 6 week olds. He is extremely small for his age and very slow to feather. He also doesn't show any signs of wanting to get up and perch on the side of the brooder yet either, he would still rather cuddle in a group with the others.
We just got our first chicken this year and she is a serama. She will actually crow as well so it was touch and go, but then she laid an egg. So beautiful. Anyway, why grit? I have seen that a lot. Ours lives in a 'rabbit' cage. One of those purple bottom and white top ones with shavings or floor hay as bedding. Then her crumble and fresh water and a perch to roost on at night. She is out of her cage a lot and enjoys trips to the park as well. We home-school so there is aloway someone who wants to hold her while they are reading.
I love it!

She need grit in her craw to help grind up her feed so she can absorb it. I would also recommend some free choose calcium for her to make strong eggs.

Oh this is a cool thread! I raised a orphan bantam chick and she has her own little man now.

It took her a while to get her to know she wasnt a "human"!

Yours little girl is adorable!
Awwww...cute! Sounds like she has a good life. Our house hen also likes to sun bathe by the sliding door, take an occasional dust bath in the flower garden, and eat fresh sprouts from the fridge (clover, alfalfa and sunflower).
Would I also offer the grit as free choice? Thanks

She is so much fun! She keeps me company sometimes while I hang the laundry outside. And I love that the kids go and look for bugs and worms for her to 'scratch' for in her cage.

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