Serama Hatch-A-Long!!

Pictures please
After I saw it I came in for my camera and then when I came back out I couldn't get a good shot. I am sure I will soon. I am going to go pick up a better cage for her today so she has more room and baby can get to water and food. Her nest is hanging up in the corner right now. She will also be right next to her roo and another hen so they will all be able to see each other but she'll have her own space. I am not sure how long the other two eggs under her have but one in the bator looks like it is almost ready so I might switch them! It would be nice if she had a couple babies and didn't have to sit for much longer! And I should have more Seramas this next week or two and three!
After I saw it I came in for my camera and then when I came back out I couldn't get a good shot.  I am sure I will soon.  I am going to go pick up a better cage for her today so she has more room and baby can get to water and food.  Her nest is hanging up in the corner right now.   She will also be right next to her roo and another hen so they will all be able to see each other but she'll have her own space.   I am not sure how long the other two eggs under her have but one in the bator looks like it is almost ready so I might switch them!  It would be nice if she had a couple babies and didn't have to sit for much longer!  And I should have more Seramas this next week or two and three!

New baby with mama photos
He is all yellow and so sweet. She is a "get out of my way" kind of mama! Another of her eggs was trying to pip internally this afternoon. She let me get her settled in her new apartment right next to her roo and Anna.
Sooo cute! I just love those broody/chick pics!

My bantam pheonix eggs are pipping tonight so maybe I'll have some babies too in the morning.

Oh cool! I am really excited about those eggs! ( I am amazed at how excited I can get over other people's eggs) They are a really interesting breed! I would love updates!! We don't need to be limited to just Seramas ; )

Another Serama hatched yesterday.. actually it pipped and never seemed to progress. It was mal-positioned... really tight in there... so I helped it out a bit and put him in the bator till he kicked out of the rest of the shell and dried out a bit. I put him back under his mum and he is doing great today! It was my first Serama assist so I am happy it worked out so well! I am glad I have these eggs to hatch before all my Castle delight eggs are due in two weeks! I am feeling more confident now.

This chick is all yellow too but darker yellow that the first. Their daddy is a really light/white sort of wheaten color. I have another egg trembling right now... I thought it had already pipped internally, but looks like it's still working on it! Perhaps I am going to have an egg hatch every other day for the next week... weird staggered hatch ; )

Tomorrow is day 7 of my Castle Delight eggs... I did a sneak candling and saw several clears and a couple early quitters already : ( Reality check... I probably don't need 28 more birds but I still want them all!
How are the hatches going??

I got 5/6 of this staggered batch from my own hens with one still to go... they are all white or yellow and I am just starting to see a little color coming in on some of their wings. I lost one that pipped the wrong end last night : ( But happy I got 5 especially since I had to help 4 out! They were all too big and that was at 35% so I am keeping my humidity really low for the rest of the castle delight eggs. I'm on day 11 and have 15 developing. I had seven clears and 6 quitters... I hope that is it! I notice I haven't been very optimistic about these eggs... nervous, I guess.

I am encouraged by the eggs from my hens as they do not seem very delicate and are developing just fine. I am setting 6 more from Anna, my little white hen, today!

Also, the Seramas I hatched from Pamela are about 6 weeks old now and they are really pretty birds. I am excited to see how they look as they get older! I forgot to ask her where her breeding stock came from... anyone know?
I'm on day 16... so excited and nervous... wish time would speed up : ) On day 13 I had 13 of my Castle Delight eggs going strong. Had a bunch of quitters and 7 clears : ( I am so nervous about the rest that I am forcing myself to keep hands off... I normally candle obsessively. I am just gently turning twice a day... and waiting! I set 6 more eggs from my hen a few days ago and will put them in my other bator when these go into lockdown... only two more days! Humidity has been as low as I can get it... between 25 to 30 % and eggs don't have much air cell.... very hopeful though.

My Frizzle Serama hen has 2 chicks and my other Serama hen just went broody on one egg so I gave her one more. A little bummed to not be getting more eggs but I know she wants chicks! I think in the future I will keep the broodies completely separate since it seems to be contagious!!
quote name="darkbluespace" url="/t/907627/serama-hatch-a-long/60#post_14026443"]I'm on day 16... so excited and nervous... wish time would speed up : )  On day 13 I had 13 of my Castle Delight eggs going strong.  Had a bunch of quitters and 7 clears : (    I am so nervous about the rest that I am forcing myself to keep hands off... I normally candle obsessively.  I am just gently turning twice a day... and waiting!   I set 6 more eggs from my hen a few days ago and will put them in my other bator when these go into lockdown... only two more days!  Humidity has been as low as I can get it... between 25 to 30 % and eggs don't have much air cell.... very hopeful though.

My Frizzle Serama hen has 2 chicks and my other Serama hen just went broody on one egg so I gave her one more.  A little bummed to not be getting more eggs but I know she wants chicks!  I think in the future I will keep the broodies completely separate since it seems to be contagious!!

I hope you get a good hatch on your CDS eggs. The last week is sooo hard to see what's going on in there. :/ I ended up with 9 chicks from my last hatch I let my broody have them all and she is doing a great job raising them. I have 1 bantam pheonix, 7 barnyard mix and one that I think is a Silkie cross? The Silkie one is my favorite! So cute!
It's kinda weird having my incubator empty now, it's kinda late in the season, but I'm wondering if I should set some guinea eggs. I raised a few to butcher this year and turns out they are delicious! Luckily, I saved a pair and they are just starting to lay even though they are only about 5 months old...I wonder if they are fertile?

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