Serama nut here!


Mar 3, 2019
San Jose, CA
Hey folks! I'm Diana, and after several years of wanting some, I've recently jumped feet-first into the Serama realm.

I have city restrictions of 4 hens, so just a hobbyist for now.

I picked up two 7 month old pullets in late December, and named them Holly and Ivy. They are sisters and pretty heavily bonded. They live in a small coop/run on my porch.

After starting laying and giving me about 4-5 eggs each a week for several weeks, they both went seriously broody, so I ordered them some hatching eggs.

They hatched out six gorgeous chicks (from a dozen shipped eggs) Saturday into Sunday, and I am ridiculously in love. The chicks are from show lines focusing on chocolates and blues, and it looks like I got a couple of each, which I'm thrilled about. (Hoping for some frizzles, which are also in their lines).

I plan to hold back 2 pullets (and a roo if I can get away with it TBH) but that decision is at least a couple months down the road.

I am so in love with these little chickens and they are the best addition to my micro-farm. ö


No, I never do things by halves, why do you ask? It's totally normal to buy shipped hatching eggs when you've only had chickens a couple months, right? :p

I am a genetics nut and have done a lot of plant and animal breeding over the years (mostly reptiles), so jumping righ into sex linked, hard to find genes is a pretty "me" thing
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My friend had two Serama hens, they were always going pretend broody (no rooster) and would kick the dog out of his bed. They made it to 5 years old before my friend's silkie brought Mareks to them. The all died a day apart. Very sad :hit

Seramas and silkies are not at all resistent to Mareks.

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