Serama Roosters Real Characters!

the poppster

Jul 3, 2015
Far Western Upper Michigan
My Red Serama Rooster "Bob-a-Looy" and his Girl "Sweetie Pie" had to be given their own separate cage. The other two Serama Roos "Chester" and his Dad "Thumper" have taken an intensive dislike of Bobby....ganged up on him and beat the stuffing out of him..first confrontation they did a bit of "Mud Wrestling"...that was about the most hilarious thing I'd ever seen.... I had to give both combatants a nice warm bath and a blow dry....if I hadn't they might have succumbed to hypothermia.....the next battle wasn't resulted in both ending up a bloody mess. He gave Chester as good as he got...until Thumper joined in on Chesters side. Bobby didn't have a chance.... I found the little guy hiding in one of the nest boxes....he fell out when I opened the door to check for eggs. He is now one of my "House Chickens" .....he was pretty forlorn....his face was all bloody and his pride really bruised and battered....I was starting to really worry about him....then I wondered why the little black and white speckled Serama hen was following me around in the enclosed dawned on me that it was Bobbys girl! They spent the whole winter perching snuggled up with each other in the outside enclosed run. I brought her in to see Bobby....he took one look at her and went into rapturous rooster love talk! It was amazing. Now down to my original question/statement....Question first, has any one out there ever witnessed a Rooster actively build a nest for his Girl. Because Bobby does! Without fail he uses his feet and body to build his Sweetie a nest....chattering and cooing to her the whole time! When she decides it is acceptable. He gets out of the "Nest" and she tries it on for size....if she likes it, she settles in to lay her egg. As he stands close by watching over her. When the egg is layed he alerts me to the fact by setting up a fuss...doing his alarm call! Till I go in and retrieve the egg! At which time he quits hollering! Anyone ever seen it?
Hi and welcome to BYC. I've witnessed cock birds in net boxes, making clucking sounds, but that's about it.

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