Set eggs 3/5. Looking for others to hatch with!

Hi everyone!! I would love to join your hatch!! I set 24 welsummer eggs today... this is my second hatch. I'm also doing the easter egg hatch along, so I will be setting americauna's (spelling) on Saturday March 17th. I have 11 in the brooder right now and I STILL have to build a grow out pen and another coop... DH is just going to love me!! LOL!!! WWC, I was with you on your first hatch. I hope and pray
this hatch goes better for you!!

I remember you!!!! So excited to be hatching together again. Yes, I hope it goes better too because having to buy more chicks to go with my chicks just isn't going to work too terribly long!!! I have silkies and Rhode Island Reds this time and have uppped my humidity. It's so hard because I have been running into people who incubate and they say oh, no, can't have your humidity too high. What about drowning them? If I get any to hatch this time I will probably have no idea how I did it because I kep changing my mind on what I'm going to do!
My humidity is 16% in the incubator with the turner....It hasn't varied at all. The batch I took out and put in the new LG ran at the same 16%. I couldn't help myself, I took one out to candle and I heard a cheep!!!!! I screwed up the batch in the hatcher really bad too....miscounted my days, and put them into lockdown a day or even 2 days early. Still hoping for the best though.
Congragulations and good luck. I am green with envy as I have been watching the cochin threads and have seen you bidding on eggs!!!! I hope you have an awesome hatch. Who did you buy eggs from?

I bought eggs from Swheat. He sold me the 6 buff barred. I also bought from Luckypickens. I had a great hatch last year from her eggs unfortunately I moved since then and sold everything I had before the move. I also bought from someone a friend told me about not on BYC.
Good to see there are a lot of us hatching.

I am a little nervous about my humidity. I didnt get a hygrometer. I have had really good luck in the past not worrying about it but have had an issue once.

Where do you get a good hygrometer?
My humidity is 16% in the incubator with the turner....It hasn't varied at all. The batch I took out and put in the new LG ran at the same 16%. I couldn't help myself, I took one out to candle and I heard a cheep!!!!! I screwed up the batch in the hatcher really bad too....miscounted my days, and put them into lockdown a day or even 2 days early. Still hoping for the best though.

I'm going to hope if you heard a cheep, maybe it's going to go well. I've researched and tried so incredibly hard and have had nothing and I talk to so many people who don't worry about it and have awesome hatches. Did you bump your humidity up some since they may be getting ready to hatch? I make myself a handmade calendar to initial my turns every day so I won't forget something and for some reason today I had it initialed to day three and it's only day two LOL! And my temps have been a little screwie and my humidity is all over the place so I figure I should have a perfect hatch this time because I will never be able to replicate all that has gone on in that incubator for the last 49 hours. I have read some research that says turnnig may only be important for the first part of the incubation period and I know my broodies go into lockdown earlier than three days before hatch time. Keep us posted and sending chick dust your way
I bought eggs from Swheat. He sold me the 6 buff barred. I also bought from Luckypickens. I had a great hatch last year from her eggs unfortunately I moved since then and sold everything I had before the move. I also bought from someone a friend told me about not on BYC.

How close to the standard were the cochins from Luckypickens? I love the colors she has in her flock and would love to buy eggs from her if I can ever figure out how to hatch.
I got my hygrometer from Walmart and it is Acurite. The top of it tells the high/low humidity and the bottom tells high/low temperature. I calibrated it when I first bought it and it was right on. My husband bought it, but I think he said it was around $10.
How close to the standard were the cochins from Luckypickens? I love the colors she has in her flock and would love to buy eggs from her if I can ever figure out how to hatch.
I got my hygrometer from Walmart and it is Acurite. The top of it tells the high/low humidity and the bottom tells high/low temperature. I calibrated it when I first bought it and it was right on. My husband bought it, but I think he said it was around $10.

I bought one of those before but it broke. I havent been able to find them at our local Walmart. They used to carry them but I dont know why they stopped.

Unfortunately I didnt keep those long enough from luckypickens to see how they would grow out. I kept a nice little MF hen and she needs work on her type but not bad. I got a really nice mottled that I kept. She has great type! but needs work on the pattern. I just couldnt get rid of these two so I moved them with me. I think they will be good to add to my stock as I rebuild.
Yes, the humidity in the LG I am using for a hatcher is up to about 70%. I have 2 of the little giants, one is being used as an incubator, the other as a hatcher. I heard the cheeping in the egg I pulled out of the hatcher to candle when I held it up to my cool!! I tried ChooksChicks cheat sheet this year...hoping for a good hatch. Should know more tomorrow and Friday, since Friday is actually day 21. I am a little stressed about putting them into lockdown too early though. I guess time will tell.
Yes, the humidity in the LG I am using for a hatcher is up to about 70%. I have 2 of the little giants, one is being used as an incubator, the other as a hatcher. I heard the cheeping in the egg I pulled out of the hatcher to candle when I held it up to my cool!! I tried ChooksChicks cheat sheet this year...hoping for a good hatch. Should know more tomorrow and Friday, since Friday is actually day 21. I am a little stressed about putting them into lockdown too early though. I guess time will tell.

Good luck. I hope all those little ones pop out for you. I bought a scale this time and weighed the eggs before I put them in and then created a week by week weight reduction chart to see where I'm at in the process. I'm hoping that as I do this over time I will know what an air cell should look like. Right now a lot of people say, just look at the air cell. Wellllll, I did. I thought it looked just fine. I obviously have no idea what I should be seeing

And if my scale doesn't help me much, I'm cheating by keeping up with my broody hen's eggs and drawing on them at each week mark and making myself a test egg that I am going to drill out and keep for reference.

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