Set eggs 5-12 Looking for hatching buddies

Tomorrow morning at 8:00 will be 21 days since I set the eggs in my bator. Out of 12, one was infertile, two died around day 7, and 7 hatched today. I have two eggs left that I have not seen move or had a pip. Do you all think these little ones have died or should I wait?
Tomorrow morning at 8:00 will be 21 days since I set the eggs in my bator. Out of 12, one was infertile, two died around day 7, and 7 hatched today. I have two eggs left that I have not seen move or had a pip. Do you all think these little ones have died or should I wait?
If you have the time, it probably won't hurt another day. Since tomorrow is 21, they might be late bloomers.
I missed this thread, lol. But I too set eggs on 5/12. I have 5 Ameraucanas and 3 Light Brahmas that hatched this morning. Waiting for 1 Ameraucana, 8 Light Brahmas, 4 Dorkings and 16 Salmon Faverolles to hatch! The last Ameraucana and 1 of the SF have pipped, finally. I lost power 3 days ago for 3 hrs and temps dropped to 85* so I've been worried. SF and Dorking are purchased eggs so hoping for the best with them. Here are some of the chicks. Yes thees 8 all hatched by 11 am today and I had no pips by 4pm so I pulled these guys to the brooder, they are doing great and fun to watch. Fingers crossed I get more, I've been so excited about the new ones. I have LB's and those eggs are from my birds.
I missed this thread, lol. But I too set eggs on 5/12. I have 5 Ameraucanas and 3 Light Brahmas that hatched this morning. Waiting for 1 Ameraucana, 8 Light Brahmas, 4 Dorkings and 16 Salmon Faverolles to hatch! The last Ameraucana and 1 of the SF have pipped, finally. I lost power 3 days ago for 3 hrs and temps dropped to 85* so I've been worried. SF and Dorking are purchased eggs so hoping for the best with them. Here are some of the chicks. Yes thees 8 all hatched by 11 am today and I had no pips by 4pm so I pulled these guys to the brooder, they are doing great and fun to watch. Fingers crossed I get more, I've been so excited about the new ones. I have LB's and those eggs are from my birds.

Beautiful chicks!
Beautiful chicks!

Thank you!!!

I Now have a LB and a Dorking pip too, yippee!!!!! Sadly I think the Ameraucana may have expired, no progress for about 2.5 hrs now. It is what it is, got to ride this out a little longer.
Thank you!!!

I Now have a LB and a Dorking pip too, yippee!!!!! Sadly I think the Ameraucana may have expired, no progress for about 2.5 hrs now. It is what it is, got to ride this out a little longer.

I've got two that I am worried about too. No noise, movement, or pips. They are the only two left of the batch.
Yesterday was day 21 for my 12 Ameraucanas and 12 Marans. 10 of the Ameraucanas have hatched and I'm pretty sure the ore two were infertile. Only one of the Marans has hatched. There is one who pipped is morning but still hasn't hatched. He's still working at it though! How much longer should I wait before I give up on the Marans?​
Thanks for the advice everyone! i was able to get the cord off of the shell but didnt pull it off of him... after it dried and didne come off i cut it short but not all of the way because he had to go in the brooder and i didnt want the other chicks pecking at it if it was too long. Hes perfectly fine running around and eating... i dont know if cutting it was the best idea but i felt so bad leaving him alone in the incubator and he was dry, and when i cut it he didnt bleed so i just hope hes ok... i didnt expect to become so attached to the little guys
ahhhh this is so frustrating.

But congrats on everyones hatches!!! You all seem to have gorgeous healthy little babies :) i have one more in the shell who hasnt pipped yet and nine chicks... the other eight are perfect! ill post pictures when i get the chance
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So just checked the eggs have two that look like they have cracks on the big end on the eggs but very small hairline cracks. I check them like every 10 minutes so the just happened. Could this mean they started to pip?

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