Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

Good news, bad news. I taped both Silkies legs. First hatched died after about 25 hours. Second hatched is moving around pretty good for something with tape on it's legs. First pipped pure Cochin never made it out of the shell. It zipped but couldn't push out. Was Really stinky. A mixed Cochin has hatched and I just watched a pure Cochin kick out of its shell. Pipped & zipped in about 3 hours. It does appear to still have a small amount of yolk sac that isn't absorbet yet, about the size of a large green pea. Hope it will be OK. Have two other, Cochin & mix pipping n zipping. So, it's not my best hatch nor my worst hatch. I just had high hopes - as we all do.

These are the first 2 to be out of the incubator.The dark one is a unknown breed large black hen & Blue Cochin mix. The light color is Silkie. Although the Silkie looks yellow, I can see reddish fuz around the neck and grey on the puffy tail area. Odd since the parents were both White Silkies. I'm just glad they're doing OK.
Are the chicks legs splayed, or was it just the toe issue?
How many total do you have hatched, and still left to hatch?
Here's turkey eggs......they are white/cream colored with brown speckles.

Poult...has a little bump on top of head, at the base of the beak where a chicken's comb would can see the little bump in this picture.

Hope this helps.....

Yes it does...Thank you! I am laughing even harder at myself dried off and it is most definitely a cute little EE!
I thought the eggs were speckled!! What fooled me the most is this chick has such a long neck!
5:15 am update

7 chicks total....our little "poult" is looking like a very long legged, long necked EE

One more already pipped...
several eggs not yet...

Eta: This is one of the longest, draggiest hatches...
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Good to hear. Same with my chick. I can't even tell which one had its eyes stuck now.

My little guy with the stuck eyes is doing great! The one hasn't been stuck since earlier today, and the other was a few more times, but everytime I check they are now open.
Good to hear your chicks are doing well!

I have one taking forever to zip....7 hatched and a few more pipped and some more that have done nothing. I think my ventilation was not optimum.The hatch should be over by 7 pm or so...but I will leave the other eggs a day or two longer, but at 7 pm these chicks are getting out. They are all panting....
I had 2 more pure Chochins hatch just before 6am. I know they are wet, but should Blue Cochins look Silvery Grey? One chick had a blood umbilical. Thanks for the Cornstarch tip. I put that to use. Chick with legs taped doing well. Two in Brooder box, 3 in Incubator wet, one more Cochin mix pipped.
I have a total of 4 pips out of 18 eggs. How long can pips last after the first egg pips until the last egg pips?

NYRIR: Too bad that your chick isn't a turkey after all. That was pretty funny and most likely I would have fell for it too.
Thanks, it still is funny! He sure looks like one....anyway,here is what I did, I had 8 hatch over the course of yesterday and today.The rest are not pipped, but tonight at 7 makes a full day 21 so I took the dried chicks out and left those in there. So in answer to your question? There is no way to know!

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