Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

Candled last night and I have 19 of the 21 developing so far,at least I think so, some of the EE are hard to see through but i swear I saw veins
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When I used to raise BBS Ameraucanas, I found them really easy to candle with the slide projector. The light blue eggs were super easy to see into, but I have had camo green eggs, which are much harder. Still, a slide projector with the usual 300 watt bulb will do as well as any candler you can find. I've candled BC Marans and Olive Eggers and Welsummers successfully with that.

Congrats on your so-far successful hatch!
Tuesday is Day 17, but I went ahead and removed all 29 eggs from the turner. I'll hand turn tomorrow, then raise humidity at the end of the day. I know, I do things weird, but I've been doing it this way for the last few hatches. This way, I have the eggs in the position, plus the container with sponges is in place, ready to have water poured in.

Of the 29 eggs, 17 are bantam eggs so it's possible they may pip earlier than the standard ones, thought that doesn't always happen. Last time I incubated the D'Anver eggs, they pipped on Day 20, like most of the standards I've hatched.

I did not candle again since I spot-candled a few at random yesterday and all were developing normally so I didn't do anymore.
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Tuesday is Day 17, but I went ahead and removed all 29 eggs from the turner. I'll hand turn tomorrow, then raise humidity at the end of the day. I know, I do things weird, but I've been doing it this way for the last few hatches. This way, I have the eggs in the position, plus the container with sponges is in place, ready to have water poured in.

Of the 29 eggs, 17 are bantam eggs so it's possible they may pip earlier than the standard ones, thought that doesn't always happen. Last time I incubated the D'Anver eggs, they pipped on Day 20, like most of the standards I've hatched.

I did not candle again since I spot-candled a few at random yesterday and all were developing normally so I didn't do anymore.
This is my first time with a turner. I thought they must get taken out but thanks for posting that so i know for sure.
This is also my first attempt at bantams...they usually pip early?
I wouldn't mind if mine pipped early so long as they live
I have got a "practice" batch of banty eggs in there that are possible mixes between D'Uccles , an OEGB and Cochin roos x with,Golden Sebrights, Blue Cochins,Silkies,D'Uccles, Black Frizzled Cochins,Silver should be interesting. I have never even seen a bantam mix myself. I bet they can be cute

I have since sold off all but the Cochins and Silkies and now they are separate so i'm hoping to hatch more of both of those later.
These little guys will be for pets for people and for fun.

ETA: Had a temp spike of 103 so I decided to cool the eggs for a couple minutes...why not candle right? They are still boppin' around in there! I am down to 19 from 24 now though....2 more quit earlier but I just took 'em out to make sure...
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Welcome to my life, except mine always goes to 104. Ugh, I still have 10 alive though! Last time and this time, the eggs that make it past day 10 all seem to make it to lockdown
Is it a huge deal if the temperature is a little lower this week, like 98 or 99 considering they are pretty much done growing? I won't be able to check on them for a good 12+ hours tomorrow and can't trust it not to spike, so if I keep the bator a bit lower if it does spike it will only be to 101 ish.
Had a temp spike of 103
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Just wondering who is going to hatch using egg cartons and who is going to lay the eggs down in the incubator?

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