Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

I am late to this thread, but I am expecting my EE eggs, and banty mix eggs to hatch on March 3rd or 4th. I crammed 33 eggs into my brinsea eco 20. As far I can tell, about 30 are developing. Three were obviously not fertile, so I tossed those after about one week. I am wondering how this is going to go--have had a temp. spike early, and my hydrometer is not working correctly., so I guess it's even more of a crap shoot than Good luck to everybody!!!
Welcome to my life, except mine always goes to 104. Ugh, I still have 10 alive though! Last time and this time, the eggs that make it past day 10 all seem to make it to lockdown
Is it a huge deal if the temperature is a little lower this week, like 98 or 99 considering they are pretty much done growing? I won't be able to check on them for a good 12+ hours tomorrow and can't trust it not to spike, so if I keep the bator a bit lower if it does spike it will only be to 101 ish.

Lol...Mine is from the temps in the house fluctuating from the wood stove....
We'll see what happens
I am late to this thread, but I am expecting my EE eggs, and banty mix eggs to hatch on March 3rd or 4th. I crammed 33 eggs into my brinsea eco 20. As far I can tell, about 30 are developing. Three were obviously not fertile, so I tossed those after about one week. I am wondering how this is going to go--have had a temp. spike early, and my hydrometer is not working correctly., so I guess it's even more of a crap shoot than Good luck to everybody!!!

Me too....
I had 2 Blue Cochins go broody at the same time. First of Dec. Too cold so I tried to convince them by locking them out of the chicken house during day time. After 2 weeks I gave up and gave them 5 eggs between the two. They interchanged who was sitting on which nest. Hatching time Jan 4th. A spectator stepped on a hatching egg/chick died. Another chick couldn't get off it's back/died. One egg sterile. 2 surviving hatchlings so I gave one to each hen. Night 3 one chick went UNDER chicken house instead of IN chicken house. Froze. So the two Mamma's have both been raising the ONE chick. Chick is a Barred Rock and now 8 wks old. Mamma's are just now pushing him away. When they say Cochins make Good Mamma's - they are right!
I am ahead of you by a couple of days. We set our eggs on February 10th, this is our first time trying to hatch. We should hopefully have something on Thursday. I want to sit there and watch but I am going to drive myself nuts if I do that
OK, I've read 14 pages of comments trying to see if anyone commented on the egg cargons on rollers. How do they turn? By hand or automated. If by hand I think I'll try it! My automatic egg turner quit last fall, and I'm turning eggs by hand. Like the cartons though.
I wish I'd found this thread when I first joined BYC the first of Feb. I also set 9 eggs on the 12th. But I kept getting eggs from my other Cochen and some every 3rd day from my Silkie so that now I've 24 eggs in the 'bator hatching at 4 different dates.
@B J Hopkins:
That is actually PVC pipe glued on the bottom of those egg cartons.

You turn your eggs by tilting the egg carton 3 times a day.

I got the idea from somebody on BYC. I can not take all the credit for the idea. A thing I did change to the original idea is I cut around my egg carton leaving only a little "cup" for the egg to sit in. I also cut a hole in the bottom of the carton as you can see in the photos. I did this to help with air flow, not sure if it makes much of a difference.

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