Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

Thanks! I am really thinking of letting her have a go of it.....

This is my first ime using an icubator but I have used my broody twice and I just put her in a extra large crate with the babies and let her raise them for about a month before she begins to lay eggs again and that signals me she is ready to leave. They have all done fine:)
Almost day 19 over here, and they are moving around a lot, but nothing beyond that! Gah.
My 3 week old chicks are so big and goofy looking, I'm excited for some little baby chickies again!!!

I am still waiting.
Day 19 today. This wait is crazy! No pips, no peeps, no movement.
Thank you! My main interest was the porcelain color. I have three Mille Fleur pullets, two of whom are currently broody, one Mille Fleur male and the two porcelains. Porcelain is just Mille Fleur with the addition of the lavender gene, for those who don't know, so they are compatible as breeders. And my lavender Cochin is a compatible color as well, though of course, a different type.

ETA: The first of the D'Anvers has popped its top; it was one that I had in storage for 13 days before setting.

Wow!! 13 days!
You are good!
By compatible you mean you can use both colors and get pures of either? Sorry, I'm still confused on this stuff.
Wow!! 13 days!
You are good!
By compatible you mean you can use both colors and get pures of either? Sorry, I'm still confused on this stuff.

No, not exactly; it means that mille fleur + porcelain (which is just mille fleur plus the lavender gene) will give you chicks that appear mille fleur but will be split to porcelain so that when you breed them, you will get porcelains. If you look at porcelains, especially on the chest, you will see that they have white tipped feathers like the mille fleur, but you can't see it that well because of their base color. This pic of the rooster's chest will help you see it:

No, not exactly; it means that mille fleur + porcelain (which is just mille fleur plus the lavender gene) will give you chicks that appear mille fleur but will be split to porcelain so that when you breed them, you will get porcelains. If you look at porcelains, especially on the chest, you will see that they have white tipped feathers like the mille fleur, but you can't see it that well because of their base color. This pic of the rooster's chest will help you see it:

So let me get this start with a Mille Fleur and breed it with a Lavender/Mille Fleur cross, you get a porcelain....and then you breed THOSE and get porcelains? Very cool.......gorgeous little guy

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