Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

You start with mille fleur and porcelains. Porcelain x Mille Fleur = Mille Fleurs (visually) that will have a hidden Lavender Gene so that when they are bred later on, you will get porcelains.

I wanted porcelain originally. The breeder did not have enough porcelain eggs to fill the order so I asked him to fill in with mille fleurs because I knew that they were compatible to breed with porcelains and eventually, I could get more porcelains from them. Hope that is more clear.

This morning, I have two mille fleur D'anvers hatched, the two D'anver x Cochins and one BR x EE and one D'Anver is pipped.

These are the slowest bantams to hatch on the planet, I swear! Today is Day 21. Still have more BR x EEs, 1 pure BR, 4 Delawares, 2 Delaweggers and the rest of the D'Anvers left to pip. If any of those are pipped other than the one, I can't see it. Pics to follow.

Ohhhhhhhhhh....ok....I get it now....

What a bunch of cuties! I have egg rockin' around....
It is day 20 for me. No rocking, No peeping, No pipping.
Do the eggs have to rock before they pip? Or will they sometimes pip without peeping, or rocking? Should I be worried?
Congratulations to everyone with pips and chicks!
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I've only seen two of five of mine rocking. Of those two one has a very small pip. The first one to pip never rocked that I saw. This hatching stuff takes way to long
Okay... I still only have 2 pipped, and they have not made any progress in over 10 hours. I still hear chirping. I'm starting to get concerned about shrink wrapping as that was my problem last time..should I help them?
Also, it's still day 19 if that makes a difference. Gah why aren't they doing anything?????
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No, don't help on Day 19! Leave them be and add water if you need to with a drinking straw through a vent, but no helping. It's way early.

It's Day 21 here and I have five hatched and two pipped out of 29 eggs that should all be viable in there-they were all moving when candled, though I did not candle every single one. They're just slow today, I guess.

I won't even start to become concerned until late tonight about the bantams, since my first two in this batch were hatched by the beginning of Day 20. Frustrated, antsy, yeah, but concerned? Not really.
I have one zipping or is it unzipping. It's the one that was piped a 3am when I checked. One other is piped and three more have no sign of pipping yet.

Change that one just hatched!!!!!!!!!!!
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