Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

I do have a hygrometer, it's reading almost 70% (it's calibrated). So, I decided to help them and the three (found another) were all shrinkwrapped!! What in the world!!!!! So they are wrapped in their paper towels until the veins dry. The other 7, one appears dead (yes, I candled
) and the others are piercing the air cell, so they will be helped out once they pip.
Obviously too much air is coming in through the cracks or something and is shrink wrapping them right off the bat, poor guys.

ETA 2 of the chicks pipped veins, but the blood dried..why did it not kill them?

ETA again, After these 3 were put back, I doused the incubator in water, the humidity is almost 80%, will that be high enough for the ones that have not pipped yet, to not be shrinkwrapped so they can get out on their own?
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I have found that when I have to help out, I always have a bowl of corn starch at my side. If there is any bleeding what so ever, I dip them in the bowl. It clots right off. I have helped many many and I have never lost a one.
Good suggesion Newduckie!
I have 4 that I helped, they are still in the bator waiting. 4 havent pipped yet. I did help one but it died! It's guts were outside it's body..not the yolk sac :/.
The ones that aren't pipped wouldn't have been effected by me opening the bator..right???
I would keep waiting tennessee. I've also got chicks hatching today and one has been pipped since I got up at 5:30 this morning. I'm worried about it but I don't want to harm the rest. I have one more zipped that i'm waiting on hatching then I'll probably go on and take out the fluffies and help that one out. 5 hours ain't that long though. Sometimes it can take more than 24 to get from pip to zip.
I've also heard thunderstorms can mess up your hatch, and mine were already started pipping when those storms came through TN yesterday. Only about half mine are out right now. I expected more.
Great..Thanks!! I've got 3 chicks so far with no problems, so I'm hoping there will be more by tomorrow.

I would keep waiting tennessee. I've also got chicks hatching today and one has been pipped since I got up at 5:30 this morning. I'm worried about it but I don't want to harm the rest. I have one more zipped that i'm waiting on hatching then I'll probably go on and take out the fluffies and help that one out. 5 hours ain't that long though. Sometimes it can take more than 24 to get from pip to zip.
I've also heard thunderstorms can mess up your hatch, and mine were already started pipping when those storms came through TN yesterday. Only about half mine are out right now. I expected more.
Good suggesion Newduckie!
I have 4 that I helped, they are still in the bator waiting. 4 havent pipped yet. I did help one but it died! It's guts were outside it's body..not the yolk sac :/.
The ones that aren't pipped wouldn't have been effected by me opening the bator..right???

Any update?

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