Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

You've made this a very difficult situation, to tell the truth. The membrane is so exposed that it can dry out much faster than if you'd left them alone. You've pretty much encouraged shrink-wrapping by opening up such a huge hole in the egg-that membrane will dry over their faces and they'll have a really hard time getting out now. It's hard to tell you what to do now because you've done something that is completely inadvisable and may not have a good solution to. You cannot take them out because they most likely have not absorbed the yolk into their bodies-that must happen before they leave the egg.
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Just candled for my day 14 and now think I have 18 of 24 maybe still 19, one looks weird but I left it in just in case. So the updated list is 1 white leghorn, 10 EE and 7 maybe 8 barred rock. I'm so excited
I have three of the remaining D'Anver eggs pipped that I can see, but none of the others are pipped, neither the bantams or the standards, which is very puzzling. No temperature issues, no power outages, good candling results every time, etc. No idea why they'd be so late, but guess I'll give them an extra day. Day 21 is now ending.

I do have four D'Anver babies hatched, plus the D'anver x Cochins and the one BR x EE in the brooder.

ETA: Six D'Anvers hatched and one pipped, plus the others I mentioned that are in the brooder. No other visible pips. Seems they are a day behind schedule, though I have no idea why. Here is a pic of the cuties.

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I have three of the remaining D'Anver eggs pipped that I can see, but none of the others are pipped, neither the bantams or the standards, which is very puzzling. No temperature issues, no power outages, good candling results every time, etc. No idea why they'd be so late, but guess I'll give them an extra day. Day 21 is now ending.

I do have four D'Anver babies hatched, plus the D'anver x Cochins and the one BR x EE in the brooder.

ETA: Six D'Anvers hatched and one pipped, plus the others I mentioned that are in the brooder. No other visible pips. Seems they are a day behind schedule, though I have no idea why. Here is a pic of the cuties.

I have chick envy!
That little guy is so adorable!
I set eggs same day you did, and this is the first time seeing this thread, I got 2 that pipped around 4 hours ago....still waiting but thinking this is going to be a long progress cause there has been no progress since first pip, but I can hear them chirping and the eggs are moving a bit here and there. nothing yet from the others.

I am being good, haven't had to ask for my hands to be duct taped yet, lol, this is my second hatch, the first one I am positive the opening and closing of the incubator was the reason only 3 hatched and the other 4 that were fertile and reached term died :-( I don't want that happening again, so I am being patient,

I got 6 in there right now, 2 pipped, hoping the rest will follow soon. I candled prior to lockdown so I know there is chicks in all of them, we will see....I cannot wait!!

Keep us posted!
Any duct tape yet??
Sigh okay.
So what do I do? Do I let these 4 try to hatch on their own or what, they have done absolutely squat but breathe, chirp and squirm.

I have the humidity at 80% right now and the chicks' membranes are still dry (you can see the one chick where it's eye area is pretty much glued to it's head. All these chicks' inner membranes were white and kind of wrinkly, not sure if that is the right word.. the pics are after they have been wetted.
Ps, I have ONLY opened the incubator when I helped the chicks out, I am not randomly opening it for no reason.

This is so frustrating and I refuse to incubate again unless I buy an incubator.

ETA the window of the bator is fogging, should I open some vents?

Any update? What did you decide to do?
The reason I said leave it was because of the eggs that are still not pipped.Those have a chance of not being shrink-wrapped.The ones you opened up may not have absorbed all the yolk like speckledhen said, better to leave those I think and hope for the best with the other eggs.I would definitely lower the humidity some to at least 70-72 % so the remaining younger eggs do not drown.

Anyway, regardless of the outcome, it is a learning experience. We all have at times had good intentions and made a mistake...hope to hear how many hatch!
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surprisingly enough I am not sure where I am finding my patience, one hatched the other is still the same but I can see it moving. the rest nothing as of yet, but hatch day is not until the afternoon on sunday, which is actually today

I got the cutest little blonde chick pipping away in the incubator, all wet and flopping about, lol....I hate seeing the flopping around part makes me want to secure it somewhere soft and safe...but I cannot open the bator so the chick will have to dry in there, she looks fine and getting stronger.


Yes it is today LOL...
What bothers me the most about the first hatchers is the egg bowling...I think that's what kills some of the others myself. I think if they are in a nest there isn't as much ability for the egg to be rolled around as much...especially if it's under mom.I about had a panic attack the first time I saw that happen....

I am so envious of everyone having chicks hatching....and the STUPID thing is? I have 14 chicks in the garage under 2 weeks old!
But those I bought and didn't hatch so...they don't count!!
Yes it is today LOL...
What bothers me the most about the first hatchers is the egg bowling...I think that's what kills some of the others myself. I think if they are in a nest there isn't as much ability for the egg to be rolled around as much...especially if it's under mom.I about had a panic attack the first time I saw that happen....

I am so envious of everyone having chicks hatching....and the STUPID thing is? I have 14 chicks in the garage under 2 weeks old!
But those I bought and didn't hatch so...they don't count!!

I am ordering chicks soon myself. I got the cooler incubator as an xmas gift from my hubby, first time around nothing hatched, second time only three, truth be told I got one Roo and 18 girls so I have no idea which eggs are fertile and which aren't so I have to put all 18 in and see what happens, so hatch rate is poor...but they are adorable and we are hoping the rates will go up eventually. the egg bowling scares me because this little one has been rolling the eggs around like crazy and I am worried of the same thing, the rest dying because of it.


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