Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

Awoke this morning to three hatched chicks: 1 sizzle, 1 silver hamburg, 1 ameraucauna. I now officially understand the term "egg bowling". Holy cow, these little chicks are like bulldozers to the remaining 34 eggs!! I hope it encourages them to hatch and doesn't drown them!
Looks like we have 21 chicks total! It's hard to tell with all of the activity in the bator! We're about ready to transfer to the brooder. I've read about putting sugar in their first water; is this advisable at this point? Will post pics when the transfer is complete.
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I believe Silkies have 5 toes. Maybe I'm not understanding your post, but this link has a good picture of Silkie feet. Hope it helps.

Yeah, I checked the Mother hen this morning to make sure what they are suppose to look like. Looked real close at the chicks. The DO have the outside toe, but it's just a bare nubbin. I don't know if they can get their balance that way or not. I did check some of the other forums and found a link to a web site that showed how to tape splayed/spraddled legs. Am going to try that and see how things go first.
Looks like we have 21 chicks total! It's hard to tell with all of the activity in the bator! We're about ready to transfer to the brooder. I've read about putting sugar in their first water; is this advisable at this point? Will post pics when the transfer is complete.
I have been putting vitamins in the water. Poly-sol, I think that's the name, it's for babies made by Emfimil. NO IRON version. You can also put apple cider vinegar in the water. You should do a search to find out how much. With the vitamins, I only do it the first few days. When I see that everyone is moving around and growing fine, I go with plain water.
It's Day 20. When I went on lockdown I had 22 eggs with chicks. So far about 7 eggs that move around alot and no pips yet. I can hear faint peeps. This is my first hatch, so am I ok still? I keep seeing all of you with pips on day 20. The suspense is killing me
These pictures should show how the toes are. Have one chicks legs taped. The other fell in the water & just sat there. Had to dry it off & put back in 'bator. In the meen time, a Cochin mix hatched that I didn't even see was pipped. Pure Cochin is still working at it. Don't see anything going on in the remaining 7 eggs.

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