Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

It's Day 20. When I went on lockdown I had 22 eggs with chicks. So far about 7 eggs that move around alot and no pips yet. I can hear faint peeps. This is my first hatch, so am I ok still? I keep seeing all of you with pips on day 20. The suspense is killing me

Some pip & zip right away, others take HOURS! Patience.
It's Day 20.  When I went on lockdown I had 22 eggs with chicks.  So far about 7 eggs that move around alot and no pips yet.  I can hear faint peeps.  This is my first hatch, so am I ok still?  I keep seeing all of you with pips on day 20.  The suspense is killing me :barnie

you are fine. I had some hatch on day 20, 21 and 22. Don't worry about what others have posted. they might have had a breed that hatches early or their temp was a little high during incubation. there are many factors that would make chicks hatch early or late or on time. It is hard to wait, but they know what they are doing, so just wait and don't interfere. You want as many babies as possible so don't do anything to help one and risk the rest.
I've confirmed the 21 out of 24 hatches, the other three haven't even pipped yet, but am keeping them in the incubator just to see if anything happens by tomorrow. Didn't do the sugar or ACV thing, they all seem to be doing fine adjusting to the brooder. Will be checking on them several times this afternoon.

BJ Hopkins, ALL of my chicks feet look like that, 2 toes with a little stub. Both the first and last batch..they get around great!!
I separated my little chick over the night (the dark brown one in the pic, and he/she is doing so great this morning!

ETA pictures!!

See, here's what my chicks' toes look like
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Question for you experienced folk:

So I have five chicks hatched (2 silver hamburg, 2 ameraucaunas, 1 sizzle) there are at least 10 more eggs that have started. Today is day 21. My five happy healthy chicks are like bulls in a china shop knocking the remaining eggs all over the place. Is that normal? Do I still just leave them in there until the others are done? Or would it make sense to open the bator to put the 5 in the brooder? I'm happy to leave them in there, just want to make sure they won't harm the others trying to hatch. Also I don't want to harm the others trying to hatch by opening the bator too early.

Any advice?

Ok, another question:

Here is a picture of a few of the hatched eggs shells. Is it normal for that layer to be so thick around the inside of the shell, almost like a hard boiled egg? Just didn't think it would be like that all the way around the chicks. I'll attach a picture.
I have my first pips! (Day 22) But I have a small problem: I am hatching in egg cartons and one pipped at the wrong end. Should I move the egg onto the floor? Please help!
I too have a question. One of my chicks eyelids keep getting stuck together! You can see it in the picture I posted, the lighter brown one. I will open it's eyes, put water and have rubbed them a bit with a Q-tip. Then when it lays down and sleeps, it's eyes are re-stuck..ummm what do I do?
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I too have a question. One of my chicks eyelids keep getting stuck together! You can see it in the picture I posted, the lighter brown one. I will open it's eyes, put water and have rubbed them a bit with a Q-tip. Then when it lays down and sleeps, it's eyes are re-stuck..ummm what do I do?

One of our newly hatched chicks had a similar problem; we never once saw it open its eyes. It was second to last to hatch, so we planned to clean its eyes when the remaining chick hatched. When it was picked up, it immediately opened its eyes. We've come to the conclusion that she can open her eyes, she's just tired ( or doesn't want to). We have cleaned her eyes once, but ever since she has been fine. Maybe your chick is like ours? Is there any liquid coming out of the eye or crust around it?

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