Set my Serama eggs 6/12 and partridge silkie eggs 6/16 (new bator)


13 Years
May 8, 2010
At 1:30AM 5/18 I set my serama pair's eggs. I was going to let her go broody and raise them herself, but some issues came up with her that I've gotten straightened out (mites
), and I didn't want to risk loosing the fertility of the eggs because she was going to take to long to go broody. I really hate this bator (LG
) but I'm hoping with the added auto turner and being that the eggs weren't shipped I'll have a better hatch rate. I really wanted to get a better bator before I set any more eggs, but for right now it's all I have
. I'm going to make this thread a diary of sorts with pics of the eggs development and hopefully eventually the chicks themselves. So here we go!! lol
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Good Luck with your hatch! I just hatched 3 (out of 5) Serama's in an LG successfully. Still air with no turner. I actually decided to hand turn them... don't really know why, but my hatch rate was higher than the LG with the auto turner that was also used so I guess it worked!!
best of luck with your hatch - I set 7 silkied serama eggs on 5/7 - all are developing except for one which was non-fertile... fingers crossed
they are set to hatch 5/26.. so excited to add some silked to my 12x smooth seramas..
1:30AM 5/21 72hrs
Candled the eggs tonight, in all 5 eggs that I added at the same time there is definite veining forming. I even saw what looked to be a tiny tiny little heart beating in one of the eggs that I got a good view of which was absolutely amazing! I never saw that in the silkie eggs I hatched. I'm going to upload a video i took of the beating heart/movement I got to youtube and post that as soon as it's ready.

Here's a pic of one of the eggs that I adjusted the color to so that the veining was more prominent

I need a higher powered flashlight! The 115 lumens lets me see some, but not all of what I want to see. Any suggestions for a higher powered flashlight that isn't really expensive?
I never ended up posting the other video because the camera couldn't pick up the tiny movement. Anyways.

1:30AM 5/25 7 days
The eggs seem to be staying right on target as for development and growth. The embryo is clearly visible and is moving around quite a bit. Here's a link to a video I took of the embryo moving.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! If you've never incubated eggs, you should really give it a try! But be prepared, it becomes extremely addicting! You're 4 year old would absolutely love it!
I just want to say, incubating serama eggs is extremely frustrating!
When you have a bunch of them all developing perfectly, and then you candle and one just quits. Stupid lethal gene.... I've had two quitters so far. One was very early in but the second must have been only a couple days ago. I'm going away for a couple days so I decided to candle tonight, and found this one. So as of right now I have 4 of the original 6 eggs still going strong plus the two I added a couple days later coming along nicely. There are also 4 eggs in with the hen that I'm hoping she will go broody with after 1 or 2 more eggs. If she's not the broody type, I'll throw them in the bator once this first batch hatches.

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