Setting 41 on 6-15, 7-8, 7-31, and 8-23 feel free to join in at any time

What's going on with your garlic, NT? Did you make the pesto? (I think it was garlic pesto, right?)
Sounds delish!!!! I love garlic!

Yeah, you sweet girls keep on with your chit chat. I'll tell him what you're really thinking
that he is trying to ward off vampires???
Ok, another difference between you and me. I can't figure out how to break up your incessant rambling into individual quotes without quoting the whole friging thing every time, so I will go down the line answering

So, you hit "quote", then remove all you don't want to answer, then answer, then hit "quote" again, and answer the next part...and so on....;-]

I'm going to steal a line from later in your novel to answer the earlier madness. Yes, the opposite of you is to do things for absolutely no reason and see if it works. I did that incubating, it's called trial and error, and was hatching 90% in two months. All of your equations, your wet bulb, your altitude, ambient this, ambient that, and where has it gotten you. Mine is dumbed down for regular people, but it works. Your scientific mind won't let you see the forest through the trees.

Well, I am a Forest Farm. I think one thing that is distinctly different between us is I won't say something works if I can say why.

Great, there is a University study. Yay! Who cares? It either works, or it doesn't. I don't have to have a frigging PHD to hatch eggs. They're eggs! Heat, humidity, chicks. It's that simple. My trial and error changed one variable at a time. First humidity, then temperature. Had it nailed by the 4th go around. Was it oversimplified, done by a dummy who had no understanding of how it worked? Yep! It worked. It's just hatching eggs...

Well, I don't think its funny that some people have gotten their degrees in Agriculture, and some of them have focused on chickens. The threads on this site prove there is a lot more to be learned. And I think they've proven that equipment is not the answer to how to hatch eggs.

Honestly, friends just left and I have had more to drink that I care to say. I like that you are adamant. I think you will agree you can't say with certainty, anything. Nor can I. I may go back over this response of yours on Sunday...enjoy
So, you hit "quote", then remove all you don't want to answer, then answer, then hit "quote" again, and answer the next part...and so on....;-]

Well, I am a Forest Farm. I think one thing that is distinctly different between us is I won't say something works if I can say why.

Well, I don't think its funny that some people have gotten their degrees in Agriculture, and some of them have focused on chickens. The threads on this site prove there is a lot more to be learned. And I think they've proven that equipment is not the answer to how to hatch eggs.

Honestly, friends just left and I have had more to drink that I care to say. I like that you are adamant. I think you will agree you can't say with certainty, anything. Nor can I. I may go back over this response of yours on Sunday...enjoy
No, I can't say anything adamantly for certain, and I have said all along that what works for one may not work for others. I offer what has worked for me as a possibility. I'm just trying to help find something that works for you. Anything. Plus, it's fun pushing your buttons, and I have never tried to hide the fact that I am doing that. If you get angry when you drink, then don't answer me tonight. I mean no malice. I agree with everything you said about me, and look forward to your response to the rest of it. Don't take it as an argument. It's a debate, so of course I'm going to defend my philosophy. The thing I can't understand is why you can't try something my way. You've never attempted to follow one piece of advice I've given you. I can't prove why it works for me, but it does. May work for you, may not, but loosen up and try it. If it doesn't work, call me an idiot. I won't be offended, I'm not Amy.
I agree with a lot of what SC said. And the thing is we all love hatching. We wouldn't be here if we didn't. We want to see everyone do good and get great hatches. I believe that. NT, I want nothing more then for you to find what works for you, nail a hatch and then keep getting great hatches from there on out. You're very smart. But maybe just for the sake of trying, dummy down your hatch. You have not been able to come up with any conclusive evidence as to why your having trouble. Leave the scale and the candler alone for one hatch. Stick the eggs in the incubator. Run your temp 99.5, consistently and keep humidity around 40%. Set your eggs and forget about them until day 21. See what happens. As long as your thermometer and hygrometer are calibrated that's half the battle. I really want to see you succeed in your project and get all those layers!! :)
There's one thing I can say with certainty, @scflock , my 1st Brinsea hatch was done exactly as you suggested. You didn't suggest I check the calibration, and I didn't, but I don't think that was the problem, but I did do the hatch exactly as you suggested. So can we get past this myth that you know how and I didn't do it? I have other problems, **** you haven't encountered. But I did my first hatch in your exact equipment according to your suggestions and I got 50% or so...let's get passed your god-like power to make eggs hatch.
There's one thing I can say with certainty, @scflock
, my 1st Brinsea hatch was done exactly as you suggested. You didn't suggest I check the calibration, and I didn't, but I don't think that was the problem, but I did do the hatch exactly as you suggested. So can we get past this myth that you know how and I didn't do it? I have other problems, **** you haven't encountered. But I did my first hatch in your exact equipment according to your suggestions and I got 50% or so...let's get passed your god-like power to make eggs hatch.
I never claimed a god like power. Amy kicked my butt with styrofoam. I merely suggested what had worked for me. Your issues are deeper than the incubator. I was merely trying to help nail down the incubator so that you could find the real issues. I will be hatching next Sunday-Monday and will be surprised if it's much over 50%. It won't be the incubator's fault, I'm using pullet eggs with a young rooster.
I'm not saying that I have all the answers, I'm just saying maybe you are looking for too many at one time.
Double checking calibration is just common sense, but I didn't do it the first time either.

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