Setting 41 on 6-15, 7-8, 7-31, and 8-23 feel free to join in at any time

Yeah, I use a jewelers scale and weigh every egg as it goes in the bator. In future, I am going to weigh every egg at hatch too. Perhaps the 21 day old eggs have lost weigh more than they should before ever going into the bator...that could explain the common believe that such old eggs aren't viable.

RR = Red Ring, or chick that died in the egg prior to developing. Early in the hatch if your egg, when candled, shows a distinct line around the embryonic area, its a blood ring, and it indicates the egg failed.

Thanks - never saw those initials used for blood ring before. Last hatch I had quite a few, probably due to shipping damage.
I've weighed my eggs each time too, and haven't found very good correlations in the results, but my hatches have been much smaller numbers than yours. One thing I will say, is I believe porosity of the shell has alot to do with weight loss also, and its hard to factor that in (how do you measure it?) but may be worth noting in your spreadsheet, if certain eggs appear more porous when candled? Or maybe you will find better correlations by breed? Just some thoughts...

I agree, porosity is a factor, and very hard to gauge. Since my roo is a BCM, he wants to contribute dark shells, and some of the colors of BCM eggs are speckled. So I have seen my fair share of seemingly porous eggs. I am going to mark them on day 10, see how they do.
I agree, porosity is a factor, and very hard to gauge. Since my roo is a BCM, he wants to contribute dark shells, and some of the colors of BCM eggs are speckled. So I have seen my fair share of seemingly porous eggs. I am going to mark them on day 10, see how they do.
The most porous eggs I ever had also turned out to be my best hatch. I know this will drive you crazy, but I don't know why. I never weighed them. They were EE eggs, and on first candling they were extremely porous, I had never seen any like that. Hatched 23/24
Tonight I am locking down 24 BCM eggs. They aren't porous at all. I haven't weighed, haven't researched the ideal parameters for BCM eggs, I've just gone with the setup that worked for me in the past. I'm not saying that to argue with you, I'm just letting you know what is going on. I will candle them all tonight and let you know how many made it to lockdown tomorrow. I just have a feeling that this hatch is going to be the one that bites me in the butt for being hands off. If by some miracle I have a very high hatch rate, it will be from nutrition, my own fresh eggs, and blind luck
The most porous eggs I ever had also turned out to be my best hatch. I know this will drive you crazy, but I don't know why. I never weighed them. They were EE eggs, and on first candling they were extremely porous, I had never seen any like that. Hatched 23/24
Tonight I am locking down 24 BCM eggs. They aren't porous at all. I haven't weighed, haven't researched the ideal parameters for BCM eggs, I've just gone with the setup that worked for me in the past. I'm not saying that to argue with you, I'm just letting you know what is going on. I will candle them all tonight and let you know how many made it to lockdown tomorrow. I just have a feeling that this hatch is going to be the one that bites me in the butt for being hands off. If by some miracle I have a very high hatch rate, it will be from nutrition, my own fresh eggs, and blind luck

I'm anxious to see how this one works out for you!
The most porous eggs I ever had also turned out to be my best hatch. I know this will drive you crazy, but I don't know why. I never weighed them. They were EE eggs, and on first candling they were extremely porous, I had never seen any like that. Hatched 23/24
Tonight I am locking down 24 BCM eggs. They aren't porous at all. I haven't weighed, haven't researched the ideal parameters for BCM eggs, I've just gone with the setup that worked for me in the past. I'm not saying that to argue with you, I'm just letting you know what is going on. I will candle them all tonight and let you know how many made it to lockdown tomorrow. I just have a feeling that this hatch is going to be the one that bites me in the butt for being hands off. If by some miracle I have a very high hatch rate, it will be from nutrition, my own fresh eggs, and blind luck

One of the things I have noticed is that porosity only seems to show up well with really dark egg shells. And even with those, I get "speckled" dark eggs, the color is actually on the Maran egg color chart. So I can't be sure that I am seeing porosity when the egg is that speckled coloring. But I will mark in my spreadsheet which eggs appear porous when candling, and also which are speckled when externally viewing, just to see if anything emerges.

Real BCM eggs (not my project eggs, e.g.) I'm told are notoriously hard to I will be extremely interested in your results.

"Never ascribe to blind luck something for which you can reasonably take credit for"...;-]

NT might get to
me around a little this time

I should regain my sense of humor after this weekend. So far at least 3500 of the 5000 garlic I have pulled has been perfectly formed, but the size of a dime or quarter. That's pretty concern has been that I wouldn't even get enough seed garlic to replant. Today I learned how to make that more likely, and by the end of the weekend I should know if that's true. Once I have recovered enough garlic to reseed, my sense of humor will return (or so I believe, and have been told)...;-O

That lines up perfectly with your expected hatch date (unless you're early like mine have always been). What humidity did you run at @scflock ?

I have 24-72 hours of hatching left to happen then I will know how it went

Have you had any actually hatch yet?
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