Setting 41 on 6-15, 7-8, 7-31, and 8-23 feel free to join in at any time

A drunk redneck, drunk hillbilly, DUI ing all the way to Hell's Half Acre to tangle with the ex surgeon general and some bad A frizzies, and you're worried about Canadian carry laws?

Well, you have a point...but I want to be able to go BACK to Canada, since it's only 40 minutes from home.
Well, you have a point...but I want to be able to go BACK to Canada, since it's only 40 minutes from home.
Who in their right mind wants to go BACK to Canada?

I have to admit a failure. I have tried and tried to find an appropriate picture for the bitchin frizzies. In google images I have searched them with the keywords ferocious, vicious, mean, even added the word bear...
I'm setting 24 Easter eggers tomorrow morning. I have 4 on day 22 but still have nothing. This will be my 3rd time and this time around I bought a bator. I feel more confident not using my homemade hunk of junk lol. I'm gonna be doing a dry hatch since without water in my bator the humidity is at 27%. Can't wait to see everyone else's progress!

Welcome @Dramaqueen21888 , enjoy the wacky convo if you will. You might give us more info as to why you only set 4, or did you set more and you've culled them already? Day 22 is not late, I had hatches in my last set at day 25...granted, they didn't survive, but they still hatched...

27% is a little low, but it should create early hatches not late hatches. Are these your own eggs, or eggs you had shipped? Did you candle them anytime along the way??

More info will result in saner suggestions...

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