Setting an old incubator


Jan 27, 2020
I have to separate two batches into an old incubator so they can hatch at seperate times. This old one is from a friend and said it's set to the correct temp. The actual temp is 95° F and way too low for what I've been doing. How can I fix it? There are no buttons and idk if I can transfer my guinea eggs into there while the chickens hatch.


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I would guess, since it's in the position that the temperature knob would be in a newer model, that the screw is what should be used to adjust the temperature. It was probably used to replace the knob which might have broken off at some point.

Don't trust that temp/humidity combo thing to be accurate, though, and don't go off those. Those are not very accurate. Use instead a thermometer you've calibrated and know is accurate to check the temp with.
X2 on the accuracy of that thermometer, you need a better one to calibrate your temperature with. No offence intended of course. As far as the adjustment goes, you will be able to tell better when you have a different thermometer whether you need to tighten or loosen the screw to get the desired temperature. Good luck and I hope you have a good hatch...
I would not trust the reading on only one thermometer.
go get a couple different type and set them in verious areas of the incubator for a better general reading. If it is not circulated air, ther can be hotter areas and cooler areas. I have had cood hatches with this type incubator despite the temperature fluctuatin inside.
One of my incubators like that had a knob or screw to twist one way or the other. Another incubator i had to turn the wafer, (loosten thumb nut, rotate wafer one way or the other, tighten thumb nut) take another reading.
I cant tell what type you have from the pictures. But maybe you could find a model number and manufacturer and google instructions.
good luck with your hatch!

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