Setting eggs 4-3-14

Went to stare at eggs again, tomorrow is the last day to turn, looking around and look what I find in the lower right corner. How the heck do I get that out without squishing it?
Oh no! The dreaded stink bug! We've been finding them in the house throughout the winter. And to find one in the incubator! I would take a wet paper towel and gently pick it up. Good luck!!
Oh no! Maybe gently pulling it up with tweezers? Is it under the grated part? It's hard for me to see in the pic.

We have 8 babies this morning and 6 others currently pipped. Today is technically "hatching day." Two of the pipped eggs have just a bit of shell broken off and haven't picked through the membrane yet. They've been that way since yesterday afternoon. Hoping they make it out.
Well I'm up to 10 hatched so far this morning. I have 2 almost hatched and another making good progress on its external pip. That will take me to13 so we will see what the other 8 do.
I have a question. Our chicks were fathered by a Cream Legbar and the mamas were a mix of Cream Legbars and Arcaunas. Will they all have the autosexing trait being theyre all at least half Cream Legbar?

We have 11 chicks now. 4 more are currently pipped. I am fairly sure one of those has passed though. It pipped late yesterday morning and after a couple hours of cheeping it was pretty continuously rolled about by chicks and stopped making noise. Now there is some goo coming out of its pip :(
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