Setting eggs 4-3-14

OMG, im acting lime a kid over here! Day 18 and I just saw eggs rocking! I think im doing better than my first hatch, that one was 3 days late and I didnt see rocking till day 21. So excited hee hee
I've seen people suggest to give them 3-5 days more. I'm so new at this myself I really don't know what to tell you. I have 5 left of the 10 I started with.
Two little Bantams set on a total of 16 eggs. We have 14 and they came out the nest box today and learned the art of scratching for bugs. They are so cute. I cleaned out the nesting box while they were busy at the other end of the cage. The box was a bit stinky and found two eggs that were rolled to the corner and covered. Tonight Both hens are sleeping on the ground with their peeps. I covered them carefully and hope that they will be warm enough.

Both little mothers are sharing nurturing duties and there does not seem to be any problems.
I wonder why humans are not the same.

Here is a picture of the two hens and the peeps.


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