Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

Glad to see some new people. I'm still really new but have learned tons here. Keep looking around, the learning center has lots of good info too. I've been looking and learning since I started hatching. Thanks everyone for sharing your knowledge and stories!!! Happy hatching all!!!
French Black Copper Marans

AHHhhhhh, I figured it was Copper Maran but not sure if they were some sort of blue or black. NICE!!!! I have 3 out of 5 Birchen Marans that made it to lock down, but sadly I'm not sure any will hatch. Time will tell, fingers crossed. Good luck to you, looking forward to pictures!!!
Just wondering since I first heard of sealing a cracked egg with candle wax on here. The egg has been in the 'bator for 5 days now. I haven't candled - will probably do it on day 7. Is it too late at this time for me to seal the cracked egg? It wasn't leaking and looked like the crack was very light. To be honest, this is one of a dozen I bought. Paid $5 for each egg! What do you think?
Just wondering since I first heard of sealing a cracked egg with candle wax on here. The egg has been in the 'bator for 5 days now. I haven't candled - will probably do it on day 7. Is it too late at this time for me to seal the cracked egg? It wasn't leaking and looked like the crack was very light. To be honest, this is one of a dozen I bought. Paid $5 for each egg! What do you think?

doesn't hurt to try...I just had an egg crack on day 13...sealed the crack with wax, but now the crack is growing and it looks like the chick is trying to hatch...But lot of people have sealed cracked eggs and have had them hatch with no problem. Good luck.
Hi everyone, Hoping I can join in as my eggs arrived yesterday and I loaded the bator at 6:30 this morning with 34 SQ Silkie eggs.
I am so excited as this will be my second hatch. I hatched 13 of 16 barnyard mix eggs as a trial run a couple weeks ago. Those eggs were local so I don't expect as good a hatch this time with shipped eggs. Will keep my fingers crossed and keep a close eye on temp and humidity.
Enjoyed reading all the entries - great mix of chicks everyone has in their bators. Hope all goes well and we see lots of fluffy chicks hatch in 2 - 3 weeks. Can't wait to see pics!
My Salmon Faverolle pullets arrived today. A friend added them to her order for me. They are loud, lol....... Hoping I get some pips in Bator #1 today and hatch expected tomorrow, while I'm working, of course. And Bator #2 now loaded, with eggs set on the 17th and LB eggs that arrived yesterday, yippee!!!!!
My Salmon Faverolle pullets arrived today. A friend added them to her order for me. They are loud, lol....... Hoping I get some pips in Bator #1 today and hatch expected tomorrow, while I'm working, of course. And Bator #2 now loaded, with eggs set on the 17th and LB eggs that arrived yesterday, yippee!!!!!
Nice! Don't forget the hatch hasn't occurred until you post pictures, says the person who couldn't post pictures last hatch.

I have SQ SF's from my last hatch which are absolutely beautiful, but I am afraid out of the 4 I kept that I have 3 roos and 1 pullet. I'm hoping that I can arrange a trade of at least 1 roo to pullet with the 2 people I gave my other chicks to.
Hi everyone, Hoping I can join in as my eggs arrived yesterday and I loaded the bator at 6:30 this morning with 34 SQ Silkie eggs.
I am so excited as this will be my second hatch. I hatched 13 of 16 barnyard mix eggs as a trial run a couple weeks ago. Those eggs were local so I don't expect as good a hatch this time with shipped eggs. Will keep my fingers crossed and keep a close eye on temp and humidity.
Enjoyed reading all the entries - great mix of chicks everyone has in their bators. Hope all goes well and we see lots of fluffy chicks hatch in 2 - 3 weeks. Can't wait to see pics!

Good luck! Good thing you got lots of Silkie eggs, so far with my experience out of 16 shipped Silkie eggs I will be lucky if 4 hatch. Most of them didn't develop. And one of the few that did develop for some reason cracked at day 13. I sealed it with wax but the next night it cracked even more and smells! Not due to hatch until next week. So hope I get a few Silkies then!

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