Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

Sorry, still new to chickens. Can you tell me what FBCM's are? Thank you!!!! I'm sure it's here somewhere but easier to ask, lol... I'm in love with the LOs but just got to stick to a few, I also love the BLRW, so many awesome birds out there!!!!

French Black Copper Marans. I have a multi coop set up for various birds that I've put in together and free range together. I also buy hatchery stock pullets, raise them for a few weeks and offer them at chick swaps. They do very well at the swaps. Helps pay for the feed, coop construction costs and I find that hatchery pullets are what people generally want around here. I've just finished being tested by the state agriculture and I'm starting to hatch out some quality eggs and will need to change the the set up a bit if I want to keep them all "pure".
Good luck! Good thing you got lots of Silkie eggs, so far with my experience out of 16 shipped Silkie eggs I will be lucky if 4 hatch. Most of them didn't develop. And one of the few that did develop for some reason cracked at day 13. I sealed it with wax but the next night it cracked even more and smells! Not due to hatch until next week. So hope I get a few Silkies then!

Oh, I am so sorry that your eggs aren't developing. I am worried that I may run into the same situation but I like the breed so much I just have to try. If it doesn't work out then I will have to look to purchase some nice breeding stock of my own and let a broody do the work. Sure hope your remaining eggs hatch!
Oh, I am so sorry that your eggs aren't developing. I am worried that I may run into the same situation but I like the breed so much I just have to try. If it doesn't work out then I will have to look to purchase some nice breeding stock of my own and let a broody do the work. Sure hope your remaining eggs hatch!
I had good luck with some of silkie eggs from Catdance on this site. 13 of 24. Not bad for my very first batch, the fbcm only one, but her silkies above 50% and beautiful chicks!
puglady, I'm guessing you talked about testing by state Ag for the NPIP? I know it takes awhile for the paperwork to go through. Should I say congrats this early? Sure hope all goes well. I've seen Catdance in the For Sale forum. Her eggs are expensive but are top notch.

shardean, thanks for advice on sealing cracked egg. Right now I have such high hopes! I know when I candle tomorrow, I'll likely loose some eggs. I bought 12 assorted very rare colors of Belgian Bearded d'Anver eggs from Boggy Bottom Bantams (that is exactly how he advertised them). Now he is selling chicks, I think the price is $120. I wonder about mailing chicks in this heat. Looks like it would be dangerous. I'm so excited to see what all comes out. The cracked egg is from his dozen so I'm definitely going to try to seal it, providing it's not dead! My other eggs are Seramas and BL TL Japs.

caj1985, I read somewhere on BYC that SF cockerels and pullets look nothing alike. Is that true? They would be easy to sex then, right? I think they are so pretty. I can't wait to see your Araucana chicks. I just love looking at their little faces when they're young.

I tried everywhere to get bantam EE but no luck. A lot of people recommended I get them. Maybe next hatch I can find them.
To Beckymca, Peeps4me and everyone on our thread, good luck and good thoughts for your hatches. May we all be lucky!
caj1985, I read somewhere on BYC that SF cockerels and pullets look nothing alike. Is that true? They would be easy to sex then, right? I think they are so pretty. I can't wait to see your Araucana chicks. I just love looking at their little faces when they're young.
The pullets feather out light brown and the cockerels are black. This is my first hatch. I'm hoping that I have some darker pullets because otherwise I have 4 cockerels and only one pullet. Fingers crossed that I have 3 darker pullets.

I just candled my 25 eggs. Looks like of the 16 Araucanas from Ray-N-Debbie that I have 2 clears and 1 blood ring. Of my first test hatch will my 8 month old EE roo and his ladies that all were fertile but 1 blood ring. Of course it is too early to pull any. I'll wait until at least day 10 as long as no problems/smell.

Good luck everyone.

I feel exceedingly lucky to get 13 out of 16 developing on shipped eggs. I highly recommend her eggs.
I'm guessing on these guys but, I think this is correct, still unsure on one of them, not sure if I got a picture of the one that I'm iffy about tho.

Beckymca, the chicks are gorgeous! Are those your SF? Their little heads are all yellow! How cute! I noticed their feet have tiny feathers. Do they get thick like say, a Silkie or Cochin's feathered feet? They look very healthy. Makes me soo anxious for my eggs to hatch.
I have trouble sleeping so I'm up late tonight. Just went through the thread to catch up on everyone. I thought I would make a list of everyone that has posted in this thread. "Our Group"!
If I have left out anyone, please reply to be added or make corrections. I've typed what I think was in your posts. There's such a wide variety of breeds & colors (as well as initials and spelling!!) This is a rough list. It may contain errors! Please excuse my bad memory! I'm probably old enough to be a grandmother to you all! I can't wait to hear and see how everyone's hatch does. I wish all of you the very best. Every day I look forward to reading this thread. I feel very privileged that you all are willing to share and teach me as our hatch day moves closer. Enough said!

1. caj1985 whom started this thread thank you! 16 pure breed Araucana, EE and EE crosses
2. RyeRanch 7 cream legbars
3. littlechix20 pure Americana, RIR, Silver Spangled Hamburg, Marans
4. MomsGoneMild set eggs on 6/17 bantam Cochins, 4 Calico, 4 Lavender Calico Frizzles, 2 Silverlaced, 3 White and a surprise chick
5. Beckymca 12 Dorking, 8 Light Brahmas (on 6/17) added 7 LB next afternoon from coop
6. litehook set on 6/18 friend brought several kinds of eggs
7. ChicksinPR 12 EE, 4 BLRW, 5 BR, 2 BO, 2 Golden Lakenvelder, 3 Polish, 7 mixed brown, 3 Blue Andalusian, 23 Blue/Black and Blue Wheaten,
Ameracana, 6 F2OE, 3F1OE, 1 g
8. Roxannemc Lavender Orps
9. SeaSkyShore 24 Khaki Campbells
10. bigT88 35 guinea eggs set on 6/18
11. olebiddy 30 variety red stars, game and Copper Marans, 12 duck eggs under hen
12. G9inwonderland ? eggs from friend
13. Kimbroe1981 12 Americauna eggs
14. dvang3 69 total eggs, 6 THAI X FIBROMELANISTIC eggs, 20 Phoenix, rest are barnyard mixes
15. bigred62806 34 barnyard mix
16. puglady 43 FBCM and Lavender Orpingtons
17. shardean 16 shipped Silkies ??
18. Phyrst 12 BB d'Anver, 12 BLK TL Jap, 15 Serama
19. Peeps4me 34 SQ Silkie
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Beckymca, the chicks are gorgeous! Are those your SF? Their little heads are all yellow! How cute! I noticed their feet have tiny feathers. Do they get thick like say, a Silkie or Cochin's feathered feet? They look very healthy. Makes me soo anxious for my eggs to hatch.

This is my first try at Salmon Faverolles. Thank you for commenting, they are so stinking cute!!! Growing so fast the little buggers. I have Brahmas too and the leg feathers are more like a Brahma than a Cochin. They have feathers on the outer edge but not the full leg, if you know what I mean. I also ordered 6 pullets that came yesterday they are all yellow and so fluffy right now!!!

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