Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

Of the 5 legbar eggs I have left I think 2 look good and the other three seem like they may have pooped out. :( I will keep them in and see what happens. C'mon little chickies...keep going!
RyeRanch, Don't give up on the 3. You never know, they could surprise you! I have several eggs that have always looked like just a dark mass but on my last candling, 2 were alive and kicking around. I thought sure they were bad but kept them in the bator and glad I did. I sure hope yours keep on keeping on!
We had a power outage Friday nite for about 4 hours.
temp went down to 92 for a little while;got the temp
bac to 100 pretty quickly hope they will be ok.I candled
last nite cant see much movement now;seams to just
be a dark mass and defined air sacks on most.Hope all
goes well.Lockdown starts Thursday nite for me guess
I will put sponges in bator and keep them moist.Hope
l am not at work when they start hatching.
Thanks for all the info from everyone Monty.
Wow, we really do go into lock down this Thursday. Time seems to be flying by. No worries tho, time will stand still those last 3 or 4 days, grrrr..... Hope all is well and we all get a good hatch!!!!
We had a power outage Friday nite for about 4 hours.
temp went down to 92 for a little while;got the temp
bac to 100 pretty quickly hope they will be ok.I candled
last nite cant see much movement now;seams to just
be a dark mass and defined air sacks on most.Hope all
goes well.Lockdown starts Thursday nite for me guess
I will put sponges in bator and keep them moist.Hope
l am not at work when they start hatching.
Thanks for all the info from everyone Monty.
We had power outages here too and I keep thinking "what else?"!! What are you hatching litehook? You just mentioned that a friend brought you some eggs. How many have made it so far? Hope you see fuzzy butts next week!
Haven't heard from most of you. If you get a chance, please let us know how your hatch is doing, how candling went and any news. I'd love to read anything you have to say!
I just candled my 6 eggs that I was pretty sure weren't growing. I was right, they were all duds. Some scrambled, some died early on, I think 1 was not fertile. Still have 6 in there. Candled a random one friday night and saw little chickie moving in there. I haven't decided if I'm going to candle again before lockdown. I probably will when we go to lockdown, since I have to take them out anyways to get the egg turner out of there.

I found my GLW secret laying spot. Found 11 eggs up under my shed (about 8 ft back there).
Tomorrow will get the mesh put up around the shed. My girls won't get to go up under there anymore to cool off. I did get misters installed this weekend too, so that'll help with the heat.

i looked at about 30 of my 41 eggs and seen movement in at least 25 of them. i put the last 7 eggs in later so i will look at them the day before or the day of lock down when i move the others i have a total of 41 in the bator

Good Luck all

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