Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

If you are anything like me, you've probably looked around and read lots of stuff on here. I thought I'd put up some posts that might be interesting.

float test for late hatch

egg cell chart

litehook, candling Bob white eggs (hope this helps)

Well. lockdown for me is Fourth of July eve. Getting closer and closer!! I'm wondering about that float test since some of my eggs are iffy. If you read the whole thread, it's supposed to be quite accurate but some how it seems that putting a living egg into water would not only chill it (even if water is warm) but I'd be worried about bacteria or something similar getting in. Let me know how you feel.

I wouldn't recommend doing the float test unless they are past due in the bator. Like If you get to 23 + days for chicken eggs. I did the float test on a few button quail eggs after they went past 21 days. I opened up all the shells that passed the float test before I tossed them and found 4 babies who were still alive. They had gone through a power outage that lasted almost 2 days and were too weak to pip. They were supposed to hatch at 18 days and I couldn't wait any longer.

my note about the float test... I found that eggs that develop to the end (like day 18-21) and die in the shell will still pass a float test. So look for 1 minute/60 seconds and rescue the eggs that wobble in the water. PUT THEM BACK IN THE BATOR...then cross your fingers

For the eggs that DID NOT WOBBLE, but still passed the test - I would open them up slowly from the air sac/big end of the shell and peel a little At a time to see if you have a live chick in there. This Is what I did 3 days past their hatch day... I would not recommend doing this before That. I did not find any live chicks when I opened up the 'non-wobblers' But they were all developed fully.

This is Just coming from my own trail and error ... and reading The literature and forum post on FLOAT TESTING and FLOAT TEST RESULTS
so 2 of mine have funky air cells (my eggs were shipped). Should I do early lockdown? I'm supposed to go to lock down on the 7th. I was planning on keeping them upright to hatch since the air cell are weird in 2 of them. dang, i didn't even think about early lock down. please help!
I am debating an early lockdown myself. Although if I do it today it will only be one day early. I am kind of in "half lockdown" already. I saw one of the eggs moving while I had them all in the turner. This is the smallest egg, and has been a day or two ahead of everyone since day 4. Maybe because it is smaller it takes less time to cook.
I dunno. I feared it may be trying to get inot position but may be hendered by the aout egg turner, so I took it out.

Anyhow, I candeled them all checking for nice good size air cells, put them all down on their sides. Candeled them while they were laying there to be sure the air cell was positioned correctly for hatch. One of them had to go into an egg carton as there is liquid moving around in the air cell. I hope she makes it.

I have read that in regards to wonky air cells we should stop turning any time after day 14, then only raise humidity when you see the first one internal pip. Well geesh, how am I going to see the first one internally pip if I cant open the incubator to candel it.

So, here I sit, on 24 hour watch because I don't know when to make the call. I moved them into my bedroom last night, so all I have to do is roll over and glance at them every hour or so. This sure is going to be a long week if I have to sleep with one eye open.

Well, anyway if this rocking one hatches tomorrow it's name is Sam (for uncle sam), if it hatches after tomorrow then it's name is Robin (for rockin robin) because that's all I could sing to myself last night watching her roll around. lol

I guess here we are folks. Some of us are coming into the home stretch. That really did fly by didn't it?!

xoxo Annmarie
yeah, i am officially locked down. i only raised my humidity to 60. tomorrow i will raise it some more... just don't want to keep fooling with it. i haven't seen any wigglers or heard any peepers yet. we are suposed to hatch on june 6 and 7.

folks...charge those camera
yeah, i am officially locked down. i only raised my humidity to 60. tomorrow i will raise it some more... just don't want to keep fooling with it. i haven't seen any wigglers or heard any peepers yet. we are suposed to hatch on june 6 and 7.

folks...charge those camera
Lol you mean JULY!!!

Waiting for pics :)
*hugs* Heather x

i am new to this chicken addiction and have chicken eggs in the incubator that have gone on lock down tonight. scheduled hatch date is friday. I have candled the white ones but the brown eggs are so hard to see through. My brain is getting tired reading all the posts about the best way to do this.. And my hubby just keeps rolling his eyes at me when i talk about the chickens. I currently have 4 bantam cochins pullets in the coop and some of these eggs are regular size turken & orpington hens with a polish mix rooster from my mother in laws farm . The rest are from a friends farm and they are americuanas, ( i know i spelled that wrong ) but they are a pretty blue egg.
anyways, i cant wait to see what hatches out..
Hi Thumper! So excited you are joining in on our hatch. Funny, my husband keeps rolling his eyes too. Hmmm
Last night we had one of the dogs laying in our room in the corner (scared of fieworks), and the incubator in the other corner. My husband blurts out, "I never thought I would be sleeping with a wife, a dog, and chickens." I couldn't help but laugh. to me it makes total sense, but when I look at it through his yes, it really cracks me up!

Can't wait to see what you hatch! Keep us posted.

xoxo Annmarie
Glad to see some new peeps joining!!

Annmarie you crack me up, lol.... I could not sleep a wink if they were in my bedroom!! My husband thought I was nuts too but now he will call me at work and tell me how many have hatched, so he's sneaking in the spare room and checking on them too. Otherwise he has zero interest in the chicken, well expect when he wants an egg sandwich, then he's pretty happy for fresh eggs.

I go into lock down tomorrow morning. I'd like to do it tonight and candle while it's dark but I won't be home until midnight or so from work so probably won't happen tonight, maybe but not banking on it.

Let the waiting game begin!!! That's mandatory before the hatching game begins, the last 2-4 days are fun but worrisome and seem to drag along. Good luck everyone and pictures please, that's always the best part!!!!

Be safe all and enjoy your 4th of July!!!!

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