Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

I've got two different hatch dates in the bator so I fired up the 2nd one and I've got it up and running, if all looks good when I get home tonight I will put them in!!! Yea for chicks soon!!!!
Thanks for the grate links.Couldn't help myself
and float tested eggs.Only one chicken egg sank
like a rock;all others floated with maybe a 10th
of shell above water.Quail eggs 7 out of 35 sank.
I put heavy cup with sponge in bator to raise humidity
Now I guess it wait and hope for the best.
Thanks for all the info hope we all have pictures to
post soon.
I'm just getting home from work, ugh....... I moved my June 18thh eggs into lock down at midnight. I had to pull another 3 Dorking eggs, which puts them down to 8 and 1 is still iffy. 15 LBs also went into lock down but 2 of those are iffy as well. Of the other 12 shipped LBs I pulled 3 so down to 9 of them, they go into lock down on Monday. Now the waiting begins!!!!!

I hope you all had a fun and safe 4th of July!!!

I'm looking forward to seeing all of our chicks, don't forget your pics!!!!!

Night all!!! Becky
I woke up at 3 am to find a pip in my blue Andalusian egg... is too early for them to pip. This Morning it has it's beak out more. CROSS BEACK..poor baby... I don't think it is going to make it. Started too early and has cross beak... also piped in the middle of The shell, not the top 1/3. I didn't Expect To see pips for 2 more days. I went ahead and upped the humidity to 70.

just going to give it a chance.... never know.
chicksin, hoping your chick makes it, How many batches have you done in your chicken " career " ? I am hoping all my chicks come out healthy and with no issues..It will be hard enough killing the roosters but having to cull a chick sounds awful.
I am on day 20 and no rocking , no sounds, no pips..everyone just laying around in the sauna.
My hubby was wondering if there is a website for spouses of crazy chicken spouses..:)
I haven't gone into lock down yet. Saturday night at 9pm! So excited. My bator got to 97.8 last night is that horrible? Not sure what happened, but when we got home from watching fireworks it was FREEZING in the house.

My hubby was wondering if there is a website for spouses of crazy chicken spouses..:)

If you find a website like that, let me know. I'm sure my hubby would jump all over that!
chicksin, hoping your chick makes it, How many batches have you done in your chicken " career " ? I am hoping all my chicks come out healthy and with no issues..It will be hard enough killing the roosters but having to cull a chick sounds awful.
I am on day 20 and no rocking , no sounds, no pips..everyone just laying around in the sauna.
My hubby was wondering if there is a website for spouses of crazy chicken spouses..:)

i havn't hatched a chick before, just button quail. i haven't had good luck with shipped eggs and Puerto Rican power outages that last too long. My first batch of chicken eggs didnt make it. But this is my second batch and I must say I did as best as i could on this one. The power went out about a dozen or so times, but never longer than a few seconds. I do have chickens tho... in a fancy pants coop outside. Completely spoiled bunch of brats out there... lol

1 SLW (bottom of the pecking order)
5 EE < ---wild childs
1 Puerto Rican Game Hen ( Top of the pecking order...she has taught the others how to forage and look out for predators and to eat ticks and centapedes) she also protects the SLW. from the fabulous five EE.

My hubby Is an enabler... he built the fancy pants coop and goes to The post office everytime my Eggs arrive... he goes out once a week to get the feed... We go weekly for fresh feed. I Catch him looking in the bator and holding the SLW every once in A

NOT ONCE has he called me crazy..but I know he thinks it.
He just lets me be....

advise for your hubby----
... The chickens make her Happy... let her be the crazy chicken lady... happy wife equals happy husband. lol
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Hubby is actually being good about the chickens, He helped me remodel an old shed into a nice coop. He even put the white board up on the walls and the lineolulm on the floor. I have 4 bantam cochins. 3 pullets and a rooster. When i got the birds ,they were chciks given to me by someone who got them from her sister. she didnt even know what kind they were. now I have minature chickens.. So of course i have to try to grow big chickens. :) ,. this small hobby has become very expensive.. gonna have to sell a lot of eggs to pay off their debt ....Maybe tomoorow something will happen in the bator.. did i also mention I have 10 duck eggs in another bator. thats a whole other story...
Quote LOL, I just stopped by a friends house and she had some cool guinea eggs, dark rich purple flock. Slate/Blue and Chocolate/Cinnamon flock. I got 6 eggs, 4 from the chocolate pen, one form the blue and one from the purple, I really don't want guinea but lots of people do, so we'll see, what happens with them. But they are soooo good at tick eating too, hmmmmmmm......

Well working like a dog and being over tired I went into lock down yesterday and it really should of been tonight not last night, not sure that one day will make much difference.

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