Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

I thought you were supposed to lie the eggs down for lock down, but I see yours are upright! I think that would be better, but I am not sure ????Help me decide eggsperts, lol! My lockdown is for Monday...Cute chick!

I am no eggspert..
. but I chose this method after a lot of research

I incubated shipped eggs. Also, I live in Puerto my eggs have gone through a lot to get to me. I lose about 50 percent of my eggs in the first candling. Most all my shipments have at least 1 or 2 broken eggs, no matter how great the packing. I also get the funkiest air-sacs. I have some that are completely detached or that are in saddle shapes. So I really just want to give them their best chance.

You will find that a lot of ppl leave their eggs in crates. There are a few members here that have web cams of chicks hatching all the time and they too leave their eggs in cartons. Some ppl recommend the paper ones, some recommend cutting holes in the bottom...etc... You just have to do your research and find a method that works best for your eggsituation.
No pips, peeps or chicks yet! Just laying there being eggs... gonna be a long day or two...

Chickin, How many do you have now?

thumper, i only got 1 chick bouncing around on the other eggs. I have 5 pips....
I was up every 2 hours last night with the baby, and after she went back to sleep..i snuck into the 'chicken room' to check on them... nothing was happening last night. so frustrating.
Pip Pip Hurray hoa! Hey hoa! ... Went grocery shopping shopping yesterday afternoon around 4 pm. came home to a PIPPED EGG!

She hasn't made much progress, but she sure is chirpie... and eveyone else is chirping and rocking too!!! It's gonna be a big weekend in the maternity ward. I am STILL in my PJs laying in bed staring at them, making mama cluck sounds of encouragement.

Oh yeah, it's a riot ... and I love it!

If you think my family was looking at me crazy for the past 20 days, you GOTTA IMAGINE today. roflmaoooo
I don't care. Me and my chickies are the only thing happening in the world right now. Thank goodness I planned for a weekend hatch and cleared my calendar.

Hey PR! I hear I am an auntie to a healthy happy chickie.... SO CUTEEEEEE!!! That's a super shiny yellow chicky.

Ok, my peeps, happy hatching weekend! I will send pics ASAP when they make their appearance!

xoxo annmarie
i think i counted days wrong, i put them in about 5 pm that saturday so would the next day be #1 .... I candled them before lockdown and could see veins and movement but alls quiet today....??? if it is always this difficult, why do people do it over and over again?''
The one that hatched is pecking one that has beak
sticking out like a bullie or ya think hes helping?Guess
best to let nature take its coruse; Or should I help?witch would
means opening bator.Any thoughts?Thanks Monty
The one that hatched is pecking one that has beak
sticking out like a bullie or ya think hes helping?Guess
best to let nature take its coruse; Or should I help?witch would
means opening bator.Any thoughts?Thanks Monty

Mine did that too. Once it was all fluffed up, I QUICKLY snagged it and put it in the brooder.
Wow! I'm off the site for a few days and so much action! Annmarie, you make me laugh! I love your description!! Congrats on what I hope is the first of many. Alas, our power went off here last night. It's bad enough with the heat outside and no air-conditioning. My eggs went into lockdown on Wednesday eve and 24-hrs. later, blam, the dreaded power failure. After 3 hrs. of waiting for the electric crews to find us, giving up on them, I bundled up my incubator and drove 30 minutes to the first available hotel. Temps in bator were still in 90's but the humidity had dropped. Geminy crikes!! Woke up at 4 a.m. and thought there was a bird loose in my room. I was out of that bed soo fast! Hadn't really woke up. It wasn't a bird in the room of course but 2 of my eggs were chirping. I was jumping around like an idiot thinking "they're not dead. My eggs are alive"!! Back home now with power back on. All through the day the chirping got fainter and fainter. I've read everything I could here about chirpy eggs and no hatch. Everyone has their own opinions. It came down to this: the ol' timers say chicks will hatch if they're supposed to. If they don't hatch, something was wrong. Mother Nature knows best so let her deal with the eggs. That's the advice I decided to follow. It might not be what I want to do, or even what other people chose to do. But I don't need sickly, scrawny chicks to take care of. I would be heart-broken if one or many had cross-beak or something else. I lost nearly a dozen eggs from one breeder in the first candling. This experience has been a myriad of lows and highs. This is not my first hatch but it's the first with all bought eggs. Most of us know the insecurity of dealing with eggs that shipped from several states away. I doubt I will do it again but I'm already wondering "how can I get some so-and-so chicks"!! So anyway, tomorrow eve will be my day 21 and I still have hopes that something will happen. ChicksinPR, I enjoyed your picture. Had to look for a few seconds to see the chick, I saw the opened egg right off. It's really interesting to see what others do and how they do it, etc. I don't think I could get a picture. My bator view window is covered with moisture but the humidity is a perfect 80% so I don't wanna lift that thing up for awhile. I'll sure take pictures if I get some chicks but that will be 24 hrs. after the last egg hatches. Please keep us up to date as we love to hear from you. Good luck everyone!

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