Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

Hes fluffed up and running all around;buddy is bringing
siting hen over tomorrow to help raise chicks.Should I
get him out and set a brooding box up til we get chicks under
Hes fluffed up and running all around;buddy is bringing
siting hen over tomorrow to help raise chicks.Should I
get him out and set a brooding box up til we get chicks under

You can leave them in bator up to 24 hrs. after hatching. If you have a brooder, I would go ahead and put him in there. Make sure he is dry and brooder is warm - 95 degrees. That way he (or she) won't be knocking eggs around. I wouldn't want to lift up the top of my bator, I don't think but I don't have any live chicks yet. Might change my mind if a chick was playing ring-around-the-rosie!
Couldn't stand it any longer, got him out and put
in brooding box.I am pretty sure he would've killed
freshly hatched chick.I put water feeder in with him.
Got temp to about hundred with light.The other chick
seams to be doing a lot better now.He took like ⁴ hours
to get out of shell don't think he could have lasted to
long with other chick pecking at his head and eyes.
I have 5 pips. Looks like one is going to die. It pipped from the small end and is oozing yolk. I'm not sure how well any of them are going to do as hatch day should be Monday. However with eggs shipped in this heat and stored in this heat may have started incubating before actual date in the incubator.

How is everyone else doing? As soon I have zipping or hatching, I'll update.
Hey all!!!

Cute chicks and excited to see some of you have pips~!!!

I'm at work and got to go but wanted you all to know my DSL modem crashed Thursday night so no computer until Fairpoint gets out to the house either Monday or Tuesday. I'll be thinking of you all and checking in as soon as I'm back on line. Be safe and enjoy your chicks!!!!!

Eggs in crate....check
Humidity up....check
Lock down...check
Waiting patiently...AAAHHHHHH!!!

This is as bad as waiting patiently during your last week of pregnancy!! I'm gonna go bonkers!

*the egg in the corner has an air cell that is on the side toward the top, so I left it down with the pointy side lower than the fat side.
Go into lock down tomorrow! Such a nervous wreck.... Gonna candle measure air sacks tonight and start highering the humidity tomorrow.. Ekkk no matter how much i read feel like i'll end up screwing something up.. Hopefully i'll manage to refrain from having a nervous break down.

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