Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

i finished my hatch. I got 2 EE, 1 OE, 1 Wheaten Marans, 1 Ameraucana, 1 Barred Rock, 2 Polish, 1 blue Andalusian

I will do pictures once they are all dried up and cute. Right now they are a bit sntoty looking.

So guys, I have just ordered another dozen hatching eggs... anyone planning another thread for more hatching. This was fun.
I have 4 out, 1 zipping, and several pipping. My temps read 100 the whole hatch but must have been a bit high because they are all hatching early and still attached to egg. They are also taking much longer from pip to hatch than my other hatch.

We'll see how the rest of the hatch goes.
i finished my hatch. I got 2 EE, 1 OE, 1 Wheaten Marans, 1 Ameraucana, 1 Barred Rock, 2 Polish, 1 blue Andalusian

I will do pictures once they are all dried up and cute. Right now they are a bit sntoty looking.

So guys, I have just ordered another dozen hatching eggs... anyone planning another thread for more hatching. This was fun.
I'm up for another thread! I just ordered some Swedish Flower Hen eggs!! Super stoked about those! My husband is Swedish and he totally fell in love with the bird when he saw them.

I should be getting them in on Thurs or Friday.

I'm new to hatching eggs. If I get any out of this hatch it will be my first successful hatch. I did find this thread on Shipped Eggs. I thought it was very interesting:
I have 4 out, 1 zipping, and several pipping. My temps read 100 the whole hatch but must have been a bit high because they are all hatching early and still attached to egg. They are also taking much longer from pip to hatch than my other hatch.

We'll see how the rest of the hatch goes.

caj1985, congrats on your new babies! It took 2 days for my batch to hatch out from first to finish. Have some eggs still in the bator and one has a peck hole. Moral of the story is, don't give up if they don't hatch all at once! Some take longer.

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