Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

So my chicks are in their eggs upside down it looks like. Both eggs are in an egg crate fat end up and I can see the chicks and they're heads are down and I can tell that the beak is upside down. Should I lay the eggs down? Would that be easier for them to come out. 1 of them has been this way since 5 this morning and hasn't made any progress. I can see him moving in there lots and cheeping, but doesn't seem to be able to get the rest of the shell off or get turned around.
did you open the bator since they first pipped?
I did that and my chicks got stuck... it dried the membrane (which was already sticky) some chicks take a LONG time to get out... once he will be no time. I had a chick pip and it sat like that for a whole day. I figured it died after it pipped... i left it alone. The next day it was out.

also, my chicks beaks looked like they were sideways or upside down too... I think it is the position for piping and zipping. i can't say that is normal... but I can just relate. I left it alone.
I heard at least one peeping when I got home last night. This morning I had one pip. Now I have two pipped and peeping and at least one other rocking and rolling. Come on, chickies! I want my dozen babies!

ETA: We took the bator into the bathroom and opened the bator to help them a little (we steamed up the bathroom, first). Activity had decreased and I think one of them had membrane stuck to its beak. Both are much more active, now! Hoping they start zipping and that we get some more action soon!

I happened to notice your avatar and signature. Jacquelyne Hope is beautiful! I can't help myself - love little babies! Bet you have your hands full with a new baby and soon-to-be chicks. Wondering why an upstanding citizen would steal chickens ... sounds like something a kid might do. Welcome to the thread. Oh yell, I would not open the bator in lockdown. Humidity is lost real quick. Hard to get it up around 80% which is what you need. It's like a test of will not to do something you feel you need to do, I know.
I did open the bator and moved the egg to a towel propped up a bit. I have an ultrasonic humidifier in the bator that will get get the humidity to 100 if I want it to, so I turned it on and let it run while I opened the bator. Now that it's laying down its got a much bigger hole made and can wiggle better. My other one is zipping down the side of the egg. Is that normal?
I did open the bator and moved the egg to a towel propped up a bit. I have an ultrasonic humidifier in the bator that will get get the humidity to 100 if I want it to, so I turned it on and let it run while I opened the bator. Now that it's laying down its got a much bigger hole made and can wiggle better. My other one is zipping down the side of the egg. Is that normal?

You'll see lots of different things with your eggs hatching. Some poke a hole and sit for awhile, at least a few of mine did. Others start pipping and are out real quick. Most of my hatch did it that way. I used to mist the eggs to help soften shells but lost too many. I think they drowned (yes, I opened eggs to see why they didn't make it). Now I don't do anything for lockdown. Just keep the humidity up. On the Ole Timer's thread, most say the eggs will hatch if they're supposed to, if not Mother Nature knew better. I've never helped by picking pieces of shell away so I won't say anything about that. There's probably a thread somewhere on the site to tell you how!
The one I laid down is still in, but making a bit of progress, the other one is zipping down the side of the egg instead of the top, but the hole is big enough for me to see the color of the feathers
, I have 3 more in there and nothing with them
. I'm hoping at this point that I get 2 out of this hatch. I did order more eggs and they should be here by the end of the week
. I think with them I'll lay them down for lock down instead of putting them in the crate. It just makes me more nervous with them upright, it doesn't seem natural. But I did it that way cause a lot of people on here said that's the way to do it. Now, I'm thinking (for my own sanity) I should have just laid them down.
ultrasonic humidifier... what is that... share please. I had a bunch of shrink wrapped chicks... I would love to control my humidity.
The one I laid down is still in, but making a bit of progress, the other one is zipping down the side of the egg instead of the top, but the hole is big enough for me to see the color of the feathers
, I have 3 more in there and nothing with them
. I'm hoping at this point that I get 2 out of this hatch. I did order more eggs and they should be here by the end of the week
. I think with them I'll lay them down for lock down instead of putting them in the crate. It just makes me more nervous with them upright, it doesn't seem natural. But I did it that way cause a lot of people on here said that's the way to do it. Now, I'm thinking (for my own sanity) I should have just laid them down.

you either will hate it or you will love it. I get my eggs in bad shape and I love it. But I decided to put x's on my bad airsacs this time. I am going to lay down the ones that are not wonky. I actually never layed them down before cause it was reccomended to me to leave them sit up. But how will I know better if I don't give it a try.

I don't think you did anything bad to them by sitting them upright. here is luck for your other eggs...
I'm back on line! My DSL modem died Thursday. I will tell you being without your computer for 3 days might be longer than lock down, lol.....

Congrats to all of you on your chicks, thanks for sharing pitures, they are so cute. My condolences also go out to you all that lost your hatch/chicks...........

I have 4 Light Brahma chicks and I see a pip on one of my Dorkings. I sooooooooooooooooooo want my Dorkings to hatch!! My fingers are crossed for them all. When I got home from work the 2 chicks from last night had dried and the humidity was down to 45%. I quickly pulled them and added some warm water to the bator and got the humidity back up to 65%. 2 chicks have hatched since, I hope I have more chicks in the am!!! It has been so unusually humid here. Today was the first day in weeks that the humidity dropped below 60% in the house. It is, what it is...... I'll post some pictures tomorrow. Good night all and good luck to those still waiting on eggs!!!
ultrasonic humidifier... what is that... share please. I had a bunch of shrink wrapped chicks... I would love to control my humidity.
here is what it is. We have just the little one with no frills. We used to use it in our exotic frog tanks (which one day I will have again: after we build our house). I will take a picture of how we have it set up after my hatch is over.

It's great. We were gonna use it and just leave it on in there, but it was too much, so I got the humidity where it needs to be now and it has dipped below 50 once today so i turned it on and it rose to 80 in no time. I wonder if the humidity dipped last night while i was sleeping and that little guy got shrink wrapped in there. I did go ahead and help him out. I got the top of the shell off his head and moistened the rest with warm water and then he popped right out. I hope he makes it!
He's just chirping away and wallering around in the bator now out of his shell.

My other one that had started zipping down the side of the egg was doing good, until i looked in there and saw bubbles coming out. I knew then that he was breathing in fluids so i moved him too and now he's breathing just fine. the inside of his shell is still very moist (I can see liquid). Hope he makes it out too!

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