Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

Maybe try shinning a heat lamp on the bator and see if it helps...what kind of bator do you have?

I just went and checked the temp, and its already back up to 100°, so the towel did the job. Its one of those cheap Styrofoam LG jobbies. During the day its maintaining temps just fine, so I guess tonight I'll cover it up and check on it a few times to make sure it doesn't get too hot. I've never used it when its been this cold, but I should've figured it would have issues...oh well. Guess I'll have to wait and see if they hatch!
Rockers are good! When did you set them? I've noticed if I set at night, most usually hatch at night (and I miss it), if I set in the afternoon they usually hatch in the day time... :fl for you and your chicks!!!!
They were set in the afternoon can't remeber exactly when and they are on their last day, 21. So hopefully I get some pips soon!

I've been averaging 10-12 hrs after the first pip on my chicks then the zip goes fast
Day 20 starts at 10am this morning, and I have 5 external pips so far!
Your chicks will be a little late because your temp was lower than normal. For me I had to schedule things for myself during the day so that I wouldn't stare all day :p

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