Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along


PICS! We NEED pics!!!!
5 have hatched and still waiting on a leghorn egg.... ended up with 1RIR 1BR 1 banty 2leghorns, once they dry out and fluff I'll get a group pic

Still nothing this morning. I kind if hate to wait till 25 days. I feel like they might need help before that. Today is day 23. I will candle again to goingt and see if there are any internal pips and so if any are still alive. I just might open one or two tonight to see what's up.
I just went to check on some if the eggs. I candled a few and found them still moving so that's good. But even better I found 1 with an internal pip!!! And it's peeping too!! I re-wet the cloth and closed it back up. I almost think that maybe because I didn't have the humidity up enough the first couple days if lock down that they are going through the lock down stage a little late.
That could be a possibility! Congrats Tammaclean!! Two of mine are due today and some are just going on lock down again got 4 left out of 10 the other babies died from my stupidity. :( but I guess you learn as you go! One of them is rocking real good and the other you can see "shimmy" a little bit and the other two are due 2 days from now. :)
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Yay guys! I'm glad its looking better for you!!!
So for those that set some eggs later, how did they fare going thru lockdown early? Most of mine were set the 9th, but I set two others on the 11th and 12th. I'm a little worried they're going to drown with me upping the humidity for the other eggs :/
Still no external pip, but I still hear peeping so we are good. I did a quick candle and it looks like a few more are trying to pip internally. We will see. I have already started collecting eggs to start over this weekend. Hopefully whoever is coming out to play will be out by then.
Yay guys! I'm glad its looking better for you!!!
So for those that set some eggs later, how did they fare going thru lockdown early? Most of mine were set the 9th, but I set two others on the 11th and 12th. I'm a little worried they're going to drown with me upping the humidity for the other eggs :/

Mine are doing good still even after going through 2 lockdowns already! But I still turned the ones that needed to and left the others alone! I put them on seperate sides of the bator so I can do this. The eggs due in two days are devoloping good their air sacks are still normal and fairing well. :) so hopefully I get me some babies!! I'm trying my best to leave these guys alone!! Its so hard for me to leave them be. Haha. UGH these two due today need to hurry! I think one's pecking at the shell cause it looks like its vibrating. But I can't hear nothing haha.
Sweet! Good to know :) I did stop turning them though, since I don't want open the bator to let humidity out. That shouldn't hurt them though. I did an experimental batch last year, a "set it and forget it" hatch. I turned them the first 7 days then let them be. I actually had a pretty good hatch rate that time.
Anyone know if an extreme heat spike can kill babies during lock down? I was out side for at the most 30-45 mins when I came in the temp was at 108! I leave it usually between 99 and 102. I hope I didn't murder my babies! I candled them just incase but they are so dark its hard to tell right now! I did think I seen a pulse in some of the veins where light did shine through, though I'm not to sure. :(
That's a really bad heat spike and easily enough to fry a chick's brain. Just leave them and wait. You won't know unless they hatch or not. Keep an eye out for egg movement.

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