Setting eggs on 3/7. Anyone else?

I'm sorry for your troubles with the early birds. How many more do you have?

The one that never hatched was sticky when I did the eggtopsy. Has anyone else experienced that? She was fully formed, in hatch position and had absorbed almost all the yoke. Just sticky (like she was covered in honey).

My guy seems like he was sticky too. I've had to use a q tip today to try and get some of it off because it turned hard and crusty. He's still kicking though. Not as strong as I'd like to see. Sorry you lost the little one.
I'm sorry for your troubles with the early birds. How many more do you have?

The one that never hatched was sticky when I did the eggtopsy. Has anyone else experienced that? She was fully formed, in hatch position and had absorbed almost all the yoke. Just sticky (like she was covered in honey).
That is what the one I lost was like. But she pipped and got her beak stuck.
We have one more baby doing well now. So two healthy chicks, the one goofy one and 7 left with no sign of pipping yet.

I woke up to three more pips this morning so we introduced humidity into the bator and removed this little one. It has been hatched for 36 hours and I was afraid if I left in there it could potentially be in there for 5 days until all have hatched and I think that might have been pushing it. The humidity actually went up to 67% and has since gone back down but is still higher than before I opened. Anyway, here we go........even the dogs are excited.....
So I candled a couple of eggs to see if there was movement. Tried the float test which is kinda silly. And one of my buff chantecler eggs had no movement and had strange dark spots along the rim of the air sac. I tried sound. So I poked a little hole at the air sac. I could see there was a chick, not moving. So I opened it up. There was my dead baby buff fully formed with its head tucked under the right wing. Full yolk sac.

My heart is broken because the buff chantecler is the one I've really wanted. I have 5 buff eggs left in there....and I'm too scared to candle them now. I also have yet to see a SL Wyandotte even pip. 33 eggs left with no pipping.

Upon candling a couple, I could see veins in the membrane near the air sac but the eggs are quite dark so it's hard to see if anything is moving.

I'm so sad to see that poor little chick. I need to figure out what went wrong so I can correct it. Humidity was always perfect. Temp well there was a couple times it dropped to 98 before lockdown but never after.

Sigh. 2 chicks out of 48 eggs is not what I expected. Oh and I'm on day 23
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?Anyone else curious how many of us started on the 7th?

Can we somehow get a quick count....everyone who set on the 7th send a quick note and tell how things are going?

I have 7 Australorps and 31 Easter Eggers and there is no sign of anything happening. Candled on the 15th day and all was well. The suspense is killing me!
I set eggs on 3/7. Yesterday I had a black & white cochin bantam hatch out at 4:30 A.M. and a chipmunk cochin at 10:00 P.M. 17 hrs. later. Today is Sat. day 22 and nothing else is pipping or happening at all. Still hoping to have more hatch. I'll wait at least 2 more days before I do any investigating. Don't really know what to think as this is my very first hatch and shipped eggs to boot.
I set 3/5 and have six in the brooder and a 7th that just hatched. I just float tested the remaining eggs and most show they are developed. Fingers crossed the rest hatch.

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