Setting Eggs Sept. 24th-Oct. 4th-Last Hatch of the Year. Anyone care to join me?

If it did not look like the other 2 then I would say that you have a quitter. Keep an eye on that one. Maybe candle again in 2 days. If no different I would toss it. You don't want a bad egg to explode in the bator and ruin the rest of your hatch.
If it's bad, will it smell first? Here's a few pics.

Here's one of my other good eggs. I know it's alive, I saw it moving.

I L O V E this shot!!!
Wasn't is you Cindy that was saying you thought one of them was a boy for sure? Which one? How many of yours had vaulted skulls?
Thank you! It was hard to get a good shot as they wanted to run right off the edge of that pie safe! No it wasn't me because I can't tell anything about the shape of the beak, or the feathers on the wings, etc. LOL Okay now...on the vaulted skulls I said something on some thread about isn't it something that they come out with the puff already on their head and someone answered with a link about silkies having a vaulted skull. So I shut up because I don't know nothin'! If you have more info or can explain it to me I would love to hear. Thanks.
It's a shot :/?? dang... that's a really good one thought it was a painting
Roxanne I did use a photo editing program to try and fix the colors because all the pictures looked washed out. While trying to sharpen the picture it kind of evolved into this and it does remind me of a painting. I really liked the effect so I kept it. I have submitted it for the calendar but there are so many really cute pics I don't know how they will choose.
Can you take some pics of the vents?
No pics, but the vents are one inch round holes with red plastic stoppers. The stoppers are not in the vents except if the temp falls too much, I put the vents in to raise the temp and then take them back out. I just put blocks under the incubator to raise it off the table so the air holes underneath should work now.
Thank you! It was hard to get a good shot as they wanted to run right off the edge of that pie safe! No it wasn't me because I can't tell anything about the shape of the beak, or the feathers on the wings, etc. LOL Okay now...on the vaulted skulls I said something on some thread about isn't it something that they come out with the puff already on their head and someone answered with a link about silkies having a vaulted skull. So I shut up because I don't know nothin'! If you have more info or can explain it to me I would love to hear. Thanks.
Roxanne I did use a photo editing program to try and fix the colors because all the pictures looked washed out. While trying to sharpen the picture it kind of evolved into this and it does remind me of a painting. I really liked the effect so I kept it. I have submitted it for the calendar but there are so many really cute pics I don't know how they will choose.

Hey CUZ (since we are related - Ha! Ha! Ha!
) Yes, I did just read a good article this morning about vaulted skulls, I'll see if I can find it for you. Just from your picture I can see two or maybe even three that I can tell have vaulted skulls. Basically it's the brain without a skull covering it, like the soft spot on a babies head. Here are some to look at, oh, I think that article I was reading is the first one written by Nikki Stetson of Hattrick Silkies.
Just got done candling. We are at day 7 and all 5 orpingtons are developing and 4 out of our 7 EE are developing. We had 2 red rings and one non-fertile. Got rid of those 3. Can't wait to candle again at day 14!!!

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