Setting Eggs Sept. 24th-Oct. 4th-Last Hatch of the Year. Anyone care to join me?

Well posted rubbish eggs again 2 fertile outta 6 and looks like one of the 2 that was fertile is a quitter so finngers crossed for my 1 egg my little chicky needs a mate so this egg better hatch
SO discusting to wait 3 weeks and come out with nothing ,Makes me so mad when that happens. Did my last hatch .Now i have more eggs coming...yeah addicted FOR SURE only made it 2 week i think wihout some in. Gonna have to tie my hands after this and stick a finger in my eyes so i cant see the ebay egg auctions!
So, Catdance told me $65 for 18 eggs shipped. Not sure if I want to spend that much for a couple of pets for my daughter. Then what if most of them hatched?!? What am I going to do with all those chicks? What, what am I going to do with all the possible chicks in the incubator now?!?

Maybe hand them out for Halloween treats! Yeah ....thats a GOOD idea!
Kids will cry when MOm says no and they will get to keep them!
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Lake bird
Oh those are so very pretty!WOW.

Mine I wanted the blue and splash SOOO SOOO bad. only not black ...but guess what i got... one . black!
BUT hes my little darlin now. and pretty too.My first baby that hatched after 2 failures so hes special.
But needs a friend.All he has is Lavender Orps ,Buff Brahmas and one BR for buddies Hope so much these will give me a few splash or blues.
Coming from NY to Mo ...guuuuhNot too good such a long trip. Will see.
It can happen!
 Was it shipped or did you have a problem.?..or just bad eggs?GOOD LUCK on yur one anyway .What is it and when do yu lockdown?. 

One had broken in the post 3 infertile 2 fertile but 1 looks like a quitter they are silky eggs blue/black splash red/gold partridge only got the red/gold partridge 1 left I go into lockdown Sunday
I need to double check when I go into lockdown. I set the eggs on Monday the 24th at 6 am. I go into lockdown tomorrow morning, correct? (Friday). I threw out 3 more eggs. Really weird..they were dark brown ones that I couldnt see into earlier...and when I candled last was really easy to see into them and see there was nothing going on...never even started to develop. Why would they be so easy to see into now and not earlier?

So anyways, I have only 5 left of my original dozen...but all 5 definatly got veins and things and are very dark have hopes they will hatch. It is addicting! LOL...I'm going to get another dozen of local eggs and try again...I want to learn all this stuff first before I spring for shipped eggs next spring...gonna learn on local eggs! Glad my neighbor will take any I hatch out as I only want show birds for the 4-H kids...these are backyard specials mainly RIR and americana I think.

So..lockdown tomorrow or ?? Thanks!
I had both Marans and a single Wellsummer egg in my last hatch and I was able to see inside by using 2 light sources at once. Do one on the bottom and then one on top. I had a candler and a flashlight so I could do it myself. Otherwise you will need another person to help.
In order to use the weight method you would have had to weigh them before you set them in the bator. I did the weight method a couple of hatches ago and it really helped.

thanks for the double light idea---may try it tonight
Like a drunk trying not to drink and coming to a bar i come here and see the babies pics the fun....well weakened and just bought some BBS Orp eggs... CRAZY ME! after all my resolve and reasons NOT to buy more eggs this year.. I WILL be sorry later i know.chicks in my tub all winter i guess.
I found my Black part english orp baby is a roo today ..I have no black or blue hens( just Lavenders ) so hey poor guy needs a girl of his own doesnt he......? !!
so Brook or whoever else is setting about Oct `16.... Im in one more time. LAST HATCH!!!! (uhhuh said THAT before)
I will be setting another batch on Monday or Tuesday so we will be hatch buddies again.

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