Setting Eggs Sept. 24th-Oct. 4th-Last Hatch of the Year. Anyone care to join me?


Maybe hand them out for Halloween treats! Yeah ....thats a GOOD idea!
Kids will cry when MOm says no and they will get to keep them!
You and your presents!!
I need to double check when I go into lockdown. I set the eggs on Monday the 24th at 6 am. I go into lockdown tomorrow morning, correct? (Friday). I threw out 3 more eggs. Really weird..they were dark brown ones that I couldnt see into earlier...and when I candled last was really easy to see into them and see there was nothing going on...never even started to develop. Why would they be so easy to see into now and not earlier?

So anyways, I have only 5 left of my original dozen...but all 5 definatly got veins and things and are very dark have hopes they will hatch. It is addicting! LOL...I'm going to get another dozen of local eggs and try again...I want to learn all this stuff first before I spring for shipped eggs next spring...gonna learn on local eggs! Glad my neighbor will take any I hatch out as I only want show birds for the 4-H kids...these are backyard specials mainly RIR and americana I think.

So..lockdown tomorrow or ?? Thanks!
Yes lockdown tomorrow morning at 6am. Maybe look around this winter and see if you can find anyone in your area that has show quality chickens. If you find any you could always be put on their spring list for eggs. Then you won't have to deal with shipped eggs come springtime.
Well posted rubbish eggs again 2 fertile outta 6 and looks like one of the 2 that was fertile is a quitter so finngers crossed for my 1 egg my little chicky needs a mate so this egg better hatch :D

Sorry to hear that's the gamble we all take with shipped eggs...

I have had excellent hatches from seven different lots of shipped eggs and I didn't know what everyone was complaining about....then this last lot last hatch...18 bantam Cochin eggs and not one hatched and only 4 it does happen...

Well I just put all 11 of my own silkie eggs into lockdown tonight...chicken hatching prayers for them....
So, Catdance told me $65 for 18 eggs shipped. Not sure if I want to spend that much for a couple of pets for my daughter. Then what if most of them hatched?!? What am I going to do with all those chicks? What, what am I going to do with all the possible chicks in the incubator now?!?:barnie

How far are you from Karen? Maybe you could ask her if she has any 'pet quality' as you just want a couple for you kids as pets??? She might have some that have DQ's and breeding faults that she will be willing to part with for family pets?

And trust me Karens pet quality will be better than most peoples 'quality' anyway... Worth a try to ask...

But can I say that I am wayyyyy jealous that you even live in the same state as Karen and could
Possibly visit her place...
Sorry to hear that's the gamble we all take with shipped eggs...
I have had excellent hatches from seven different lots of shipped eggs and I didn't know what everyone was complaining about....then this last lot last hatch...18 bantam Cochin eggs and not one hatched and only 4 it does happen...
Well I just put all 11 of my own silkie eggs into lockdown tonight...chicken hatching prayers for them....
Fingers crossed.
Yes lockdown tomorrow morning at 6am. Maybe look around this winter and see if you can find anyone in your area that has show quality chickens. If you find any you could always be put on their spring list for eggs. Then you won't have to deal with shipped eggs come springtime.
There is a lady on Craigs list that advertises show quality silkie eggs, but I don't think I want to go there! LOL...Silkies sound harder than normal chicks and I haven't mastered normal yet :) There is someone else that advertises cukoo marans...but read here that there are hard to hatch too? And...what humidity do I try to keep it at during lockdown? Humidity has been my problem this whole hatch. I currently have a wet dish towel in there now..and humidity is 65%..just did this today and it's the highest I've ever gotten it.
Is there any reason that Silkie eggs are harder to hatch than others? The one silkie egg we hatched (got it from a friend) did take a while to get out of the egg and was a bit wobbly for a few days after!Is i
Is it just that they're so small, or is it because they're eggs are different or something?
There is a lady on Craigs list that advertises show quality silkie eggs, but I don't think I want to go there! LOL...Silkies sound harder than normal chicks and I haven't mastered normal yet :) There is someone else that advertises cukoo marans...but read here that there are hard to hatch too? And...what humidity do I try to keep it at during lockdown? Humidity has been my problem this whole hatch. I currently have a wet dish towel in there now..and humidity is 65%..just did this today and it's the highest I've ever gotten it.
I live in Florida and the humidity here is brutal so 55-60% is what I use. The first hatch I ever did I went by the book(70-75%) and the chicks were soaking wet and the few that did not hatch drowned.
I am setting another 17 Serama eggs tonight too!!! Put the 14 in your friends I just realized that I will probably be using my new incubator for expensive eggs because I won't have room for all the eggs that will be hatching. Scares me but from what I have heard the 1502's are fool proof. Both my homemade ones are filled to capacity and I still have another 12+ coming in the mail. MADNESS I TELL YOU!!! JUST PLAIN MADNESS!!!
18 now. lol plus im picking up a dozen rir eggs. plus whatever else i come up with between now and the 17th. My buddy said theyve never had a single issue with the 1502. the 1202 blew a wafer earlier this year and cook alot of eggs tho. By there own admittance tho they knew they shoulda been replaced before then. 1502 is digi tho so no issues with wafers.My bantys are getting there own sectioned off part of the coop and their own run, and with them im gunna have to keep a heat lamp going anyways soo, thats the grow out pen now too lol. let them hatch, let them hatch, let them hatch!.... my freezers getting a bit sparse. lol

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