Setting Eggs Sept. 24th-Oct. 4th-Last Hatch of the Year. Anyone care to join me?

Well, I'm in lockdown, but I have a bad feeling about this. Going by what you all post....I never saw any movement when I candled the eggs...just saw veins and stuff. They have been in lockdown about 38 hours now and absolutly no pips...nothing..they are just laying there. :( I think I killed them all :(
Well, I'm in lockdown, but I have a bad feeling about this. Going by what you all post....I never saw any movement when I candled the eggs...just saw veins and stuff. They have been in lockdown about 38 hours now and absolutly no pips...nothing..they are just laying there. :( I think I killed them all :(
Isn't lockdown supposed to be the last three days, which would be 72 hours (if my chicken math doesn't get in the way;)?
Ours have been on lockdown about 49 or 50 hours, or just over two days, and we just now have the start of the first pip, and faint intermittent cheeping. At 38 hours, could it be that they're not quite ready yet?
Wholly chicken!!! gone 24 hours and there are 71 posts to catch up on!
Well, I'm in lockdown, but I have a bad feeling about this. Going by what you all post....I never saw any movement when I candled the eggs...just saw veins and stuff. They have been in lockdown about 38 hours now and absolutly no pips...nothing..they are just laying there. :( I think I killed them all :(

Don't be so hard on yourself. I have had hatches where I didn't see movement when I candled the last time. Sometimes the chicks are just resting. Plus you have to figure those are some pretty cramped quarters they are in and moving around isn't easy.
Well, I'm in lockdown, but I have a bad feeling about this. Going by what you all post....I never saw any movement when I candled the eggs...just saw veins and stuff. They have been in lockdown about 38 hours now and absolutly no pips...nothing..they are just laying there. :( I think I killed them all :(

I wouldn't give up just yet =) There's one of mine that I actually had in the "Dead" section of my incubator for nearly a week and it was only when I candled it over the garbage can (right before I was about to throw it away) that I learned it was actually alive. Hang in there!! :)
I just went and candled them. I have 5 left out of a dozen. A couple have air cells at both ends? One has a air cell kinda in the middle, plus one where it belongs...and two are totally dark except for the air cells...but no signs they are coming thru the air cell yet. So, maybe two might hatch? The ones with air cells at both ends are probably goners..right? you can see veins and stuff in them..but both ends of the end are clear.
I just went and candled them. I have 5 left out of a dozen. A couple have air cells at both ends? One has a air cell kinda in the middle, plus one where it belongs...and two are totally dark except for the air cells...but no signs they are coming thru the air cell yet. So, maybe two might hatch? The ones with air cells at both ends are probably goners..right? you can see veins and stuff in them..but both ends of the end are clear.

I've heard people on this forum hatching healthy chicks from dual-ended air sac I wouldn't discount any of them yet. =) If you're in lockdown though, I'd definitely not candle any more, because they're probably working on turning themselves into hatching position. I'm going on lockdown tomorrow morning, so my last candling night was tonight.

I'm about 99% certain that I lost my only remaining viable Silkie...but the rest look ok.

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