Setting eggs today (1/9) hatch buddy?!

linkindna: I am having same issue with th EE eggs in my bator, they are blue, green, and khaki. cant see a thing in them, but if I grab a brown egg from the fridge from my hens, I can see great into it. i am thinking a stronger wattage bulb is what you will need, thats my issue
candled yesterday and removed 14 clear no development out of the 43 the remaining are looking good hope they all make it to hatch.
I waited till day 8. I figured I would know for sure then. I looked up what they should look like, well, what I would be looking for. There is a thread on here that shows nearly a day by day photo sequence for what they should look like. It was very cool.
@ Snooptwomey - I tried using the strongest flashlight I had and shining the light through a small hole in a cardboard box. I think *maybe* I could see the air cell in the EE eggs that I have. I certainly couldn't see the amount of detail I would in a white egg. It could just be wishful thinking...I'll just have to wait 12 more days.
Hi all... I set eggs on 1/9. I set 37 and 25 are developing. Not bad out of shipped eggs. I set a variety of silkies. I haven't had tons of luck with silkies yet, so I'm hoping for a better turn out this time. The issue I have been having this time is that my automatic turner has dumped the eggs out several times. I'm sure that can't be too good for the eggs. I have now taped the lever in place, so here's hoping it doesn't happen again. Has not happened since yesterday at least.

Looking forward to hatching together!
I modified my candler, and could see some into them. enough to see that 7 were going, and one dud that didnt even start. So right now at day 7 I sit 7 out of 8, pretty good % so far

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