Setting eggs today (1/9) hatch buddy?!

Ok so I feel really stupid... but what's a lockdown. I've hatched many chicks before but I've never even heard that term before.
Day 18 the humidity gets raised the egg turning stops so the chicks can get into position for hatch and the incubator isn't opened again until after the hatch is complete. That is where the term lockdown comes from no opening.
Ok so I feel really stupid... but what's a lockdown. I've hatched many chicks before but I've never even heard that term before.
I set 8 EE eggs on the 10th :) My first ever attempt at incubating eggs :) good luck!
Hey! I'll join you in your hatch-a-long! I set 13 eggs on 1/7, due to hatch 1/28. I candled a few days ago and the lighter shelled ones looked great! Many of the shells are too dark for me to see anything so that'll be a surprise for me. Does anybody have any hints on candling darker shelled eggs? Do I need a more powerful flashlight?

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