Setting eggs today. I'm a hatching virgin.

So glad I'm not the only nervous nellie. When I got up this morning my temps were down to 88. They were 99 when I went to bed. Raised them up and they stayed constant for a couple of hours this morning. Hope all goes well today. My digital wired thermostat will give me the hi and low temps for the past 24 hour period. That's the numbers I'll be recording on my calender.

I just keep thinking of the little baby chicks in the eggs and what I'm doing to them. I think I need physiatric help.
Got home around 7pm. Temps are all over. Smithfield thermometer digital says 102, two small mercury thermometers say 99.5, wired accutemp says 101 The smithfield sits closer to the heating element, the wire probe is stuck to the middle of the plastic sheet between the two mercury thermometers. I'm going to say all of these temps are "really" 99 or pretty darn close.

I am just going to wait for the "egg" thermometer I ordered from eBay, and add that to the bunch.

Happy that the temps stayed the same all day.
Lorrir you exact happening happened in the same order and everything to me. I kept checking temps and yesterday when checking temps they were at 88 . I dont feel alone anymore. Happy hatchings and hatchlings !I'm due for the 17th so thats good pluse after tomorrow i'm of from school until the 12 of april. and after that its five days to hatch.
My temps have been staying the same all day so I like to see that. But I did go buy a hygrometer today, have it calibrating as we speak, what % does it should it be?

I also went and bought an egg turner and just set it up also.
Temps are holding. I have not opened the bator since yesterday morning.
I have two 4. lb hand weights on the top at two of the corners making a nice tight seal. Humidity is 55 but doubt it's really true, haven't added water since day monday.

I'm a pretty happy camper at this point in time. Will candle on monday day 7. I have the room the bator and mealworms are in pretty warm about 70, no ceiling fan.

This might not be so bad after all.
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How do you keep your humidity up? Mine drops from 45 to 15 everyday! I'm so worried that during lockdown it won't hold.
LOL. You guys will get over the nervous nellie stage. I throw mine in the bator, usually forget to mark when they're due, and pull the chicks out when they hatch...usually still in the turner. I have great hatch rates!
HI, Lindsay here. I'm completely new to chickens, and have also just set hatching eggs (3 days ago). 17 eggs, 14 black australorp, and 3 white leghorn/australorp mixes that the guy I got my eggs from threw in. My temps have been good, but I'm worried that my humidity is a little high. It's been raining non-stop here and my humidity has not gotten below 57% without adding any water.

Anyway, I'm thrilled to join this little newbie hatch group.


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