Setting eggs tomorrow night, 3/29/12, anyone want to hatch with us?

I just saw my second pip
YAY! It's starting!

Wooooo Hooooooooo Gooooooooo chickies!!!
is that normal for only 7ish eggs to be fertile-ish? Out of 15 eggs? Just checking.....

It has nothing to do with being fertile.... Well maybe .... but unfortunately it is usually the Post Office that does a number on shipped eggs! I had 18 Lav Orps ... 4 broke in shipping out of 14 I set 2 developed but quit early and zero hatched .... I cracked some of the non starters open and found that they were fertile just got damaged in the mail
They say if you get 50% hatch rate from shipped eggs you are doing well..... Its tough to read about all these people having great success with shipped eggs cuz I often feel like such a failure!!
I came home to 4 chicks!!!! So 2 more hatched while I was at work and I see a few more pips... 2 of my blue eggs
and both of my other mutts.... No pips in any silkies yet

It is so hard to get a good picture of the chicks in the incubator.....but here is my FAVORITE picture of the day.

So the one that looked like it was splashy turned out to dry into a little chipmunk!!! So these 2 must be my frizzle cochin silkie cross ...

as my cochin bantam is black ..... and so are the 2 new babies!!!!

Love that top picture!
These are 2 Cochin mix. There is an EE chick in the incubator but it's still wet. Pictures taken through the plastic are just too fuzzy to post. 2 more eggs are pipped so should hatch soon.
They are so CUTE!!!! Congrats on the chicks.

These are 2 Cochin mix. There is an EE chick in the incubator but it's still wet. Pictures taken through the plastic are just too fuzzy to post. 2 more eggs are pipped so should hatch soon.
Yeah her bones are too far gone... I tried making a bigger band aid splint and she kept falling over.... I took it off. I had been watching carefully as I think this one had spradle leg right out of the shell but I fixed it and she was fine.... totally fine ... for 2 - 21/2 weeks ... I almost feel like she slipped her tendon or jumped and it popped out or something ... but I have NO IDEA how to try to manipulate it and I don't want to hurt her.

I am so sorry to read this!!! Have you figured out any way to help her? There are days when I seriously wish I'd gone to vet school!

Your marans eggs are gorgeous!!!
So, the BBS Orpingtons are at day 7 today and we candled again after hearing the support of all of you. Thanks again. 4 confirmed embryos, and 3 possibles... some have darkening yolks..... for the most part we're pacing ourselves. thanks guys.

Awesome news!!!
Update on "Bitty."

I thought I'd give you a quick update on my daughter's tiny Bantam chick, which she has named Bitty. For the most part is acting like she feels fine, I see her eating, drinking and even preening herself. We've isolated her with the next 2 smallest chicks so she has company, but isn't being pushed around by larger chicks. I picked up some electrolytes to add to her water too.

At this point, if I hadn't weighed her I probably wouldn't be worried because she acts pretty normal. She did have one extended peeping time this afternoon, but an hour or so I saw her chasing another chick for whatever intesting tidbit it had.

It's her weight that's bugging me. The first time I weighed her was yesterday afternoon. She weighed only 14.48 grams!!! She went up from that a little, but then down again and even dropped to a low this morning of only 13.80 grams. Currently she weighs only 14.18, so while she's up from this morning she is still down from yesterday and that's what is bugging me.

Any thoughts?

Here is a picture of Bitty

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