Setting Today (03-02-2012)

So adorable! I went out of the room for a few mins and came back to another hatched chick! i swear these babies dont want to be watched! so far 3 hatched, 18 pipped and 14 with nothing!
My hatch isn't over!

I have another Ameraucana egg peeping! I should have known. Today is technically day 21. My others were just early. This is my first hatch that has been spaced out like this. All my others they all hatched at once and the eggs that were left were clearly duds. Weird...

ETA: I wanted add a tidbit of information and a reminder. I posted before that kept my temps lower at the beginning in hopes of the lower temps giving me more girls. I am sick of hatching 13-15 eggs and only 1-2 are girls. I, at this point, have only a 14% hatch rate on this hatch. I feather sexed everyone today. One I can't tell because it doesn't have enough wing feathers to tell, but at the moment, I have 100% girls. If I have to sacrifice and only hatch 14% to get all girls, it's worth it to me. Everyone says the gender of the egg is determined before it develops. I believe that. But, I believe the lower temps kill off the boys early in development. I don't know why, but that's what I believe at the moment. I don't know if it's scientific, but that's my findings for now.
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I'm on day 21 and I haven't had one peep/zip or chick yet.

I'm on day 21 and I haven't had one peep/zip or chick yet.


Don't give up
, you set at 8:50 PM on 03/02 your babies are due this evening. In a hatch last year, I left for work and there was NOTHING, no movement or sounds, I came home to 5 little babies. After those 5 it was a good 24 hours before the 6th and final one came out a day late.
Well it's official did eggtopsies and only two made it :( The rest seemed to quit about day 18 or 19. I have four quail eggs that are due though on Sunday so hopefully they will hatch.

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