Severe Bumblefoot. Need Help.

sunny & the 5 egg layers

8 Years
Mar 29, 2011
My 4 year old Dark Brahma Hen has a severe case of bumblefoot. I didn't realize how bad it was until today when I washed her feet. I realized that her bumblefoot is taking over just about her entire foot pad.

So do I still remove the whole thing even though it is so deep and so massive? I'm afraid she will bleed or will be in a lot of pain.


Here's an article on how to treat bumblefoot. Good luck, and I hope all goes well with your chicken!

Thank you very much for this information.

I was afraid, but I went ahead and removed the scabs (or plugs as the article refers to them as). There was still very tender whitish yellow underneath the plugs that I could not remove. One was bleeding slightly as well. The plugs were very hard to remove and my hen was kicking a lot (clearly uncomfortable for her). I used the edge of scissors and my gloved hand to help the plug come off. I didn't have any tweezers for this. I tried using a sharp edged knife but with my hen kicking, it was too risky.

I rinsed her foot after the plug removal with a diluted water and peroxide solution. I then filled her feet in with Neosporin and I bandaged up both her feet.

I feel guilty that her feet got so bad. She walked around my yard a lot after the surgery but she has spent the rest of the day sitting down. She ate some scrambled egg, layer pellets and drank some water. She seems tired.

Any more suggestions as to how I can help her further?

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