
In the Brooder
Nov 21, 2023
I’m not sure the exact hatch date of this egg as I completely forgot to put on the calendar. But I know it’s developed and can’t be too far from hatch day. Maybe 4-5 days tops! I was bringing it back to the incubator after attempting to candle it to see progress along with another egg due to hatch the same time. My carton fell off the counter that it was sitting in and it hit a plastic container lid and is cracked very badly to where there’s no way to repair it with wax etc! I’ve wrapped it in a damp warm wash cloth and put it in the incubator. I do not see movement at all through the membrane. What should I do??!! Pictures below 😭


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Put oil on the membrane and keep it in the incubator, it should be fine. It look a little closer to hatching than 5 days. I'd say 2-3.
Thank you! I’ll look for some oil. All I might have is some vegetable cooking oil…is that okay?? Literally the only oil I might have will be in my deep fryer…is that safe to use?? Obviously it’s not hot at all it just stays in the deep fryer.
Put oil on the membrane and keep it in the incubator, it should be fine. It look a little closer to hatching than 5 days. I'd say 2-3.
Do you think it’s really okay even though I see no movement at all?? I tried to candle it but it’s impossible with such a fragile shell left around it so I have no clue what’s going on inside the membrane.
Put oil on the membrane and keep it in the incubator, it should be fine. It look a little closer to hatching than 5 days. I'd say 2-3.
Also should I keep it wrapped in the damp cloth after I apply the oil or just do the oil and lay it in the incubator??
I’m not sure the exact hatch date of this egg as I completely forgot to put on the calendar. But I know it’s developed and can’t be too far from hatch day. Maybe 4-5 days tops! I was bringing it back to the incubator after attempting to candle it to see progress along with another egg due to hatch the same time. My carton fell off the counter that it was sitting in and it hit a plastic container lid and is cracked very badly to where there’s no way to repair it with wax etc! I’ve wrapped it in a damp warm wash cloth and put it in the incubator. I do not see movement at all through the membrane. What should I do??!! Pictures below 😭
I read an article once where basically the same thing happened to an egg and the owner poured a little bit of unscented candle wax on it and it ended up hatching just fine! But btw I have never done this, this is just a suggestion. I hope it does okay! 🤞
Thank you! I’ll look for some oil. All I might have is some vegetable cooking oil…is that okay?? Literally the only oil I might have will be in my deep fryer…is that safe to use?? Obviously it’s not hot at all it just stays in the deep fryer.
Clean oil would be better, coconut oil etc, water can be used. It wouldn't worry to much about the non movement. If it doesn't I wouldn't blame the accident.
I don't think it's necessary. Please don't use wax for a crack that large.
Okay I will find the oil! I for sure have some extra virgin olive oil actually!! Will that work if I’m out of vegetable oil? I guess what worries me is the narrow end of the membrane looks rather dark so I worry there might be internal bleeding?? even though I do not see any blood at all outside of the membrane.
Okay I will find the oil! I for sure have some extra virgin olive oil actually!! Will that work if I’m out of vegetable oil? I guess what worries me is the narrow end of the membrane looks rather dark so I worry there might be internal bleeding?? even though I do not see any blood at all outside of the membrane.
That will work. It will be easier to see once you apply the oil, i can't say until then.

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