
Here it is!
Nice “thread”!

Im self taught, as no one taught me sewing or any needlework growing up. In fact, a male coworker of my mom’s taught me to embroider, which was my first time using a needle. I was around 10 years old, and was in a morning activity on Saturdays for a few weeks that summer. I would get a ride to the small bank branch my mom worked at and spent the rest of the afternoon completely bored, it was a small not very busy branch with only my mom and this male coworker. I don’t remember how it happened, maybe he was doing a cross stitch while it was not busy, but I must have been interested and he decided to teach me-so I bought myself a little embroidery kit (crewel bc it looked more fun than cross stitch) and brought it with me the next boring Saturday. I ended up doing several small crewel kits. I’ve done a few cross stitch, but not really my thing. Then as an adult, I purchased a refurbished Singer (70s era) with only straight and zig zag stitches. I made a few things, but life with school and kid and work made for little time, so not much accomplished, but I did take on a few projects. Now, I have a better sewing machine, and recently purchased a serger.

My current project is a small quilt for a friend’s baby due in September. The baby has been diagnosed with a lethal form of a congenital problem, so will not likely live more than a short time after birth. So, the quilt will be smaller than a usual baby quilt, but will give them something special to use for the short time with their baby.

I’d love to tackle clothing for regular daily use. So far, I’ve made a few things- costumes that are forgiving, and aprons. But, the serger purchase is intended for trying out knits, etc, so I need to invest some time trying to figure that out.

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