Sex-Link Hybrids?


12 Years
May 23, 2007
Southern California
Is it true that you can get sex-link chicks from mixing certain breeds? If so can anyone specify?

Also, can anybody verify if this link is right or bogus?
It mentions mixing breeds to get sex-link chicks. To view the chart go to the bottom of the page.

Thank you.
Yes, sexlinks are mixed breeds. For instance a black sexlink is usually made by crossing a Rhode Island Red Rooster with a Barred Plymouth Rock hen. The cockerels have a dot on their head and the pullets do not, making it easy to know which is which from the start, and the cockerels end up with barring from their mothers. The hens end up black with some red/gold around their necks. All sexlinks are hybrids of two breeds or two varieties of one breed like RIR and Rhode Isl White-sorry, can't remember what that one is called.
I ended up with some accidental sexlinks from a friend's hatching eggs. All Barred Rock mothers, but her BR roo was allowing other roosters in the barnyard to mate his women. All males were barred from their mothers. The sires were a Cochin/Silkie mix, a Silver Phoenix and an Easter Egger rooster. I didn't get any males from the EE cross, however, but I can bet the males would have gotten barring from the BR mother. Here is an example of the Cochin/Silkie roo over the Barred Rock hen. The first pic is the pullet, the second is the cockerel-note the poufy heads on both, but barring only on the cockerel from his mother:

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Yes, mixing certain breeds will get you sex-link chicks, some of them mixes are better then the purebreds. For example, I've had barred rocks and I currently have black sex-links (aka black stars) and the black stars are much better overall. Of course that's my opinion and everyone has their own favorite breed.

Also the chart looks correct.
I was told my golden comets are from RIR and RIW. All females are red with white feathers under and males are born mostly white. They are smaller than my Barred rocks and Lay very large brown eggs. Layed all winter and are not supposed to be broody. Also are the friendliest, calmest and they have the sweetest voices. I highly recomend them. Here is a pic.
I went to another website and tried to follow Chicken Genetics.. something I'm only going to understand one tiny bite at a time I think!

Anyway, just wondering about something.. if you cross a Barred Rock Mom with a RIR Dad to get Black Stars.. what happens if Mom is a RIR and Dad is a Barred Rock?
First of all, if you cross sexlinks you will NOT get sexlinks. You will just get mutts that are more mixed than their parents. And the linkage does not work the other way around, is what I've been told. If the Dad is a Barred Rock, ALL the chicks will be barred, not just the cockerels. I'm no genetics expert, but these are questions I've had answered for me by them since I own two Barred Rock roosters myself and various hens.
Thanks Speckled Hen! Isn't that interesting? In my life BC (before chickens..) I didn't realize their genetics was so.. well.. not mammalian LOL!

And DementedHen.. I think Confusion Loves Company too!
Thanks for not making me feel like an idiot!


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